Related to User:Shuo
- Urban China Magazine — beijing, child:zero-city, magazine, social, sort:110, urban china
- ON BURB TV — animation, burb tv, clips, movies, the chinese dream, tv
- Courtyard Studios
- Dynamic City Foundation — dcf, dynamic, neville
- Urbanist's Kaleidoscope
- Beijing Boom Tower — bbt, beijing, boom, exibition, guangzhou, interview bbt exhibition, tower
- The Node — child:zero-city, sort:60
- D-Rail — artery, beijing, central, city levels, county-level cities, d-rail, deaf, hood, infrasprawl, infrastructure, interactive, mass-transit, new center, new city, peri-center, satellite city, subway, the chinese dream, town, travelator, video-installation
- Wild Beijing / Seeping Shanghai — delta, shanghai metrofields, the chinese dream, yangtze
- GBD — 798, beijing, ecological, galleries, gao bei dian, gbd, green, old area, old area site map, program gbd, the chinese dream, urban planning
- Republic of Change / a dialogue — change, creative, creative industries, industry, interview, the chinese dream
- Cities Without History — cities without history, eurostyle, gated, instant, new, newness
- Perceived density — density, perceived, the chinese dream
- Consumurbation — dependencies, dormitories, the chinese dream
- Mobility and coffee in Beijing — bingtuan, brand new city, digital guqin museum, growth model, hua hui cube, mobile structure for coffee, new center, peri-center, pyramid, satellite, satellite city, subway, tea , the chinese dream, travelator
- My Dream Survey — china at home, digital guqin museum, survey, the chinese dream
- BEIGE BEIJING — art district, ecological park, galleries, the chinese dream
- Dynamic Density — agonistic space, beijing, dd, density, dynamic, infra-sprawl, mono-sprawl, networked, speed sprawl, the chinese dream, trans-sprawl, urban
- United Mumbai — child:zero-city, sort:120
- Resilient Pudong — beijing, child:zero-city, emergent, hyper density, organics, shuo, sort:80, wild
- Testing typologies — hutong, interview, l-building, loft, the chinese drean
- BURB MAGAZINE — burb 2020, the chinese dream
- Image HUB — hub, image, the chinese dream
hub pics
Beijing_REAL-TIME D_rail
Boloni Hotel and FLagship Store
Boloni Hotel and Flagship Store - Outdoor theater
Crazy Stone - Pekin Fine Arts Gallery
Hua Hui Cube : a gift exchange Digital Guqin Museum structure Virtual World/Real World
Yuanmingyuan tandem Book Launch with Ma Yansong and Neville Mars
summary CV neville
guggenheim blurb
Summary English + Chinese
Beijing Rising
3D graphs Beijing per district
Beijing Boom Tower NEW PICS
Crumbking Beijing Footprint
wild beijing
wild beijing
DEAF 07 - REAL-TIME BEIJING installation
Eco-city definition(s) - DAC
Beijing Design Week
HuaHui cube from Beijing Sept09
HuaHui cube from Beijing Sept09
Beijing crumbling with rings
- WATERCUBE_The_Book_press_release.pdf Press release WATERCUBE The Book (PDF / 488.13 KB) — architecture, beijing, book
- ==new-beijing-logo.mpg New Beijing Crystal animation (MPG / 70.33 MB) — animation, beijing, crystal, movie
- Being_in_Beijing.mp3 audio notes on utopia (MP3 / 40.57 MB) — beijing, laurence, neville, notes, rong
- The D_rail is a high-speed travelator that you can enter at any point along its 64 KM long path around Beijing. This interactive installation shows DCF urban planning software used together with the D_rail. (MOV / 11.99 MB) — beijing, beijing_real-time, transport
- WEB20-DCF-sm.pdf DCF presentation WEB 2.0 and the Interactive City (PDF / 17.95 MB) — beijing, neville, orange, pdf, presentation, web 2.0
- Hotel-sketches-01.pdf Boloni Hotel and Flaggship store PDF (PDF / 1.32 MB) — beijing, boloni, dcf, hotel, mars, neville, rendering, theater
- BEIJING_REAL-TIME interactive video installation (MOV / 10.53 MB) — beijing, deaf, installation, real, software, video
- BEIJING_REAL-TIME interactive installation video compillation (MOV / 24.68 MB) — beijing, deaf, installation, interactive, real-time, render, video
- a compilation of BEIJING_REAL-TIME interactive installation for DEAF07 (MOV / 28.06 MB) — beijing, deaf, installation, interactive, real-time, video
- Beijing_REAL-TIME.pdf D-rail / Beijing_REAL-TIME installation description (PDF / 664.04 KB) — beijing, d-rail, installation, real-time, video
- Beijing_Satellites-official-goal.kmz satellites density goal 2020 for GE (KMZ / 17.32 KB) — beijing, satellites
- Beijing_Satellites-population.kml Beijing Satellites Official population for 2020 (KML / 48.79 KB) — 2020, beijing, official plan, satellites
- Beijing_Satellites.kmz Beijing Satellites Official plan for 2020 (KMZ / 15.85 KB) — 2020, beijing, official plan, satellites
- districts-employment-Graph.kmz Beijing employment Graph for GE (KMZ / 39.84 KB) — beijing, employment, google, graph
- crumbling_beijing.kmz Crumbking Beijing Footprint - density per ring road (KMZ / 330.55 KB) — beijing, crumbking, density, footprint, ring road
- districts-basic-red.kml Beijing 3D Population density graph per district - for Google Earth (KML / 126.95 KB) — beijing, google earth, graph, population density
- districts-pop-density-Graph.kmz Beijing 3D Population density graph per district - for Google Earth (KMZ / 38.99 KB) — beijing, google earth, graph, population density
- districts-pop-density-Graph.kml Beijing 3D Population density graph per district - for Google Earth (KML / 104.86 KB) — beijing, google earth, graph, population density
- districts-01.kmz Districts Beijing underlayer (KMZ / 163.88 KB) — beijing, districts
- population_density.xls population density Beijing (XLS / 55.00 KB) — beijing, density, population
- D-rail_population_and_density.xls population density Beijing (XLS / 17.00 KB) — beijing, density, population
- GBD_2-3_green-wall.pdf GBD green wall pdf (PDF / 5.09 MB) — beijing, birds-eye, gbd, green wall, masterplan, pdf
- cunning-city-web.pdf cunning city booklet low resoltion (PDF / 15.14 MB) — cunning city, hk, hong kong, new york, ny, tokyo
- CunningCitySlideshow.swf cunning city slide show FULL version (SWF / 13.45 MB) — cunning city, hk, hong kong, new york, ny, tokyo
- cunning-click01.swf cunning city slide show FULL version (SWF / 24.32 MB) — cunning city, hk, hong kong, new york, ny, tokyo