My Dream Survey


by Neville Mars and Adrian Hornsby

China at home



In the reality of China, neither the designers nor the users, but two other parties grosso modo define the outcome of the urban environment: the state and the market. This chapter raises questions about the process of real-estate development in China and its effect on the city. In turn, we ask what you, the user, want your city to be. Enjoy a selection of anonymous dreams for the future of the city posted on DCF’s online survey or take our Survey yourself. It survey consists of two parts: simple questions to find out where people live and if they like their current homes, and an open question where you can describe you ultimate dream for the future.

All entries are strictly anonymous. Personal information is only used for statistical purposes.
Click here to take the survey in English

click here for white booklet pdf file

Loop model - dialogue and democratic design

Democratic design 1.0 – the loop model
Is the city yours, or mine, everybody’s, or anybody’s? If the city is more than a mere byproduct of our urge to coalesce and to build, if we can influence its form and evolve beyond the generic, beyond pre-existing models, someone—maybe all of us—should consider what it could ultimately be.

Performance: It is obvious there is a price to pay for urbanization at hyper-speed. At every level of society bulldozers and sledge hammers are clearing the way for the modern. From CBD to suburban slum, from factory to village we are surrounded by the ceaseless efforts of contractors and their army1 of construction workers. They in turn are fed libraries of drawings produced by over 100.000 designers, planners, engineers, market consultants and architects2 who are hired by a growing number of developers, coordinated by an array of design institutes and kept in check by several government bodies and ministries. The efficiency of China’s urbanization industry is astonishing. To achieve such efficiency the architecture itself, the buildings we live in, the new streets and shops, have inevitably adapted. It has made the Chinese cities under construction today and finished tomorrow into slick cities; light in concept and material, sophisticated in their ease to be drafted and assembled. The price we pay is performance.
It’s obvious the city can’t ever be solved. Slickness may be fast to construct, but it comes with countless glitches. It’s a national sport (as in any country) to complain about the city: it’s too big, too polluted, too dense, too expensive, too harsh, too congested; or it’s still too small, with no work, no space, no green, no facilities, no community, no roads. What to complain about is different for all of us. Car owners and construction workers most likely have conflicting ideas about what the city should be like. The list of opposing needs and interests to address is endless. So while the city can’t be solved, the question remains: can it be steered?

Choice: The absolute number of people involved in China’s reconstruction is staggering; the number of designers and decision makers is minimal. So who decides what’s good for you as a citizen? And do they know what you want?
No longer do we live in rows and rows of indistinguishable blocks. On offer today are all sorts of apartment towers and villas in different sizes and colors. The market knows what it wants to build, and it decides based on what sells. This is trial and error; as demand levels out and competition stabilizes, the assortment on offer should broaden and the city will evolve. And this is happening—sustainable housing is slowly more en vogue, and tailor-made local projects are on the rise over copy-paste solutions. Still, in reality the tens of thousands of residential projects scattered across China follow very similar design principles. The level of luxury may differ, but the way they function, their living environment, and particularly the urban context they produce are all but identical. Chinese cities are all becoming the same.
Urban development has progressed and accelerated—arguably beyond the desired speed. The majority of buildings for 2020 have today been realized. In order to produce better performing buildings and cities that keep pace with the blossoming urban class the development process itself will need to become more sophisticated. This involves a more intense dialogue between the state, developers, designers and users; a continuous loop of information will be necessary.

Developers: In this highly aggressive market, innovation is a dangerous luxury – eighty eight of the top one hundred of Chinese real estate companies have been taken over3 since 1994. Understandably developers have been walking a tight-rope, careful not to stray from the success formula of previous projects. From a commercial standpoint, the real-estate industry has indeed become so refined it’s hard to imagine there is room for any new paradigms. A resilient misconception that innovation
in design always means added costs—not only in direct costs, but in more complicated architecture—pervades. The developer knows these sort of considerations will be beyond the carefully calculated budget of new inhabitants. But there is of course innovation all around us. A Beijing company has recently produced a panel system that allows an entire house to be built in less than five hours. This is an amazing novelty that may further accelerate China’s building boom. For the most part, however, explorations on how we can live, and what the user might need tomorrow, remain scarce.
Developers in China, with an unusually strong input from market consultants, try to map what people want and can afford. Unfortunately simply listening to home-owners with surveys is not a profound basis for innovation. And the improvements are restricted to the level of the building or the (gated) community; the city as a whole, as a product of thousands of connected real-estate projects, is not addressed.

Designer: If we believe Le Corbusier the harmonious city is just around the corner, if only the visionary architect could have his way. Ironically China has by and large been constructing a Le Corbusian landscape, complete with repeating apartment towers, flyovers and mega-projects, but without involving many architects.
At this moment, at this speed in China’s history the role of the designer is still dismal. Based on output Harvard researchers have argued the efficiency of the Chinese architect is 500 times that of his American counterpart4 ; though on the rise, his role in the design and decision making process should be reduced by a similar amount. The tug of war over a proposal between architects and developers is a crucial game at the heart of the development process that should crystallize the outcome of any design. Both parties should meet as equals to interpret the needs of the user, and struggling to explore the limits. In China however, the designer as an interpreter of user needs simply does not yet exist.

Government: The city is a mediated space. Its density, the proximity of its citizens to each other, the ease to interact, is the key to its success. This proximity should be voluntary and produce equal opportunity for all citizens to explore their lives. This proximity however is also undesired; more space is more comfortable. To optimize the city as a mediated space the input of the state is needed. China’s anticipated urban mix can’t grow freely. Planning policies can’t be both flexible and restrictive enough to let the city grow without spatial planning or design. The state should balance the demands of individuals and companies against the common good and envisage some form of coherency that captures the common good. In this centrally planned economy an overarching vision should, at least on paper, be able to be implemented more effectively than anywhere else. Long-term regional planning should have an actual spatial impact, beyond assigning economic and development zones—notably on land use efficiency. The large, generally successful state-owned developing companies are a unique means to supplement an architectural landscape solely produced by the market—notably the introduction of small scale projects. State-run projects are realized with higher quality and faster than any other; they can and should push the entire industry towards more strategic proposals and accepting slower or longer-term revenues.
User: That leaves you and me. As users of space, we really don’t know what we want. We simply choose from what’s on offer; the house we can afford, the neighborhood with a decent school, the city with a friendly face. But you, the individual will have to start to participate if you want anything more than what’s on offer.
In China individuality is a young concept, but nothing less than an urban renaissance has been sparked by you the individual and by the millions of new citizens and first generation metropolitans. You are moving to the cities and you are rebuilding your villages. You are driving the economy; you are buying the cars, building the apartment towers, operating the conveyer belts and buying the villas. That makes you the new leaders of China.

Dynamic city: So what do you want? Slow cities, such as the capitals of Scandinavia rank high on the world list of favorite cities to live in. Evolving block by block, year by year they have been able to mediate the different desires of their citizens over time. These cities resemble the environments described in our survey, but they hardly present a feasible option for China’s burgeoning new centers, and copying the style of their facades won’t help much either. Another approach is hands-on user participation of the kind we have tried in Europe in the early seventies. This was truly democratic design, but it proved horrendously slow and subsequently failed.
Construction in China will not slow down soon. The paper-thin features typical of the new neighborhoods and development zones will not evolve overnight. The next phase of China’s modernization efforts requires the refinement of the development process itself. An open dialogue about the future of the city is needed that involves all parties: a loop of information between policy makers, developers designers and, new to the equation, citizens. The theme of the 2010 Shanghai Expo is appropriately called: Better City, Better Life! For the one billion Chinese soon living in cities the correlation between the quality of the urban environment and the quality of their life will be evident.
This dialogue will undoubtedly slow things down. It will thicken the process; give layers and layers of detail to slick cities. It will give control to all those who partake in the city. Above all, operating as a single force we might gain control to steer the city in a distinct direction.
This direction must be distinct, but will always be unclear. What you, the citizens will need or might want tomorrow is uncertain. The city must be able to respond to this uncertainty. Proposals for a context as dynamic as China must be able to grow and evolve after completion—if only so as not to impede their own development. The city must be able to adapt by anticipating the reality of constant change, acknowledged at every level by all parties. This is the dynamic city; the result of a dynamic process, based on research dialogue and foresight.

Neville Mars

Democratic Design 2.0: user-comments

In 2005 I went to a conference on the future of cities. The second session was a kind of spot-the-difference diptych, presenting on the left Roger Madelin’s development for Kings Cross, London, and on the right Terry Farrell’s masterplan for Kowloon station, Hong Kong. Spotting the difference wasn’t so hard. When Farrell completed his designs in 1992 the entire site was underwater. By 1998 it was finished: 10 hectares of landfill, a major transportation hub, several thousand new homes, and a business district complete with fancy hotels and showcase towers. Over a similar period of time Madelin had just been stuck in planning offices. He’d conducted surveys, disseminated plans, met with local groups, talked to the council, plunged through money …. He estimated that by 2010 he’d be US$160 million into the project and not so much as a brick raised on site. As I write this, he’s being taken to judicial review by a group of disaffected residents. The difference between Terry Farrell’s and Roger Madelin’s experience is, of course, consultation.
Traditionally consultation is something developers grudgingly accept, rather as the halter a “mature democracy” will oblige them to wear around their necks. It slows things down, costs money, and can severely impede delivery. Less consultation, therefore, facilitates quicker growth. It can be argued that if this means the city is making more money, then the inhabitants as a whole stand to benefit. All you sacrifice is the luxury of giving an anti-change nosy minority the chance to whinny and stall.
In China it’s becoming an urban cliché to have a group of agonized foreign theorists standing on the sidelines wringing their hands (about control, coordination, speed and harshness of change, etc.) while undeterred and highly successful developments plough right past them. The trouble is that within the Chinese context, the scale and pressure of urbanization is completely mismatched to western notions of “sensitive development”. In fact, the entire western rhetoric of “preserving a sense of place”, and offering “well-thought out responses to the existing urban fabric” becomes nonsensical when presented with the reality of a new city nation. I wanted somehow to take the consultation debate to another level: not just individual proposals and local residents, but people across China, and the concept of rapid change. It seemed that consultation approaches all too easily became locked in arguments about the facade of a single residential block, and missed the big questions like, ‘What do you think a city should be?’ and, ‘How do you want to get around?’
The root cause of consultation reluctance may be a dated idea of too many cooks spoiling the broth—that whenever you get large numbers of people having their say on a project, it becomes very inefficient. But computers have changed all that, and with the internet blowing open the doors, it’s becoming apparent that the knowledge of a very large group of people—if effectively harnessed—is actually the most powerful resource in the world. Two brief examples. In 1998 the founders of Google realized that if they wrote a search engine which followed the way people used the internet, it would be much more intelligent than any of the search algorithms they themselves could write. Then in 2001 Wikipedia ( again refocused content-creation from “experts” to “users”, and allowed the people who wanted the articles, to build them for themselves. In the space of a few years it has become the most up-to-date and widely reviewed knowledge base available. Far from being a latter-stage burden, consultation becomes the fundamental concept. So why not try to apply this to urban design? What would a wikicity look like—a city which was being continuously rethought and refined by all the people passing through? is a first stage in our attempt to build a wikicity; a tool specially aimed at the general user. It’s an online survey which asks basic data about people’s lives and dreams and the places where they live. It’s a start to look at things from the bottom up. We set up in January 2006 and it’s been taking entries ever since. We’ve left blank pages in this book because more content is yet to come. It’s for you to write. Scribble it down, waiting on the bus or stuck in traffic, or if you have a bright idea looking over the city from your apartment; then upload it to the survey:

Democratic Design 3.0 – BURB

The Dynamic city should include the vision and research of specialists and designers. The DCF offers a platform for open-source collaborations on Chinese cities called BURB. (www. The format is an online magazine where you, the urban specialist of any field can define and create the content. Each year a topic will be tackled. BURB 1 titled The Chinese Dream – a society under construction has just been completed and can now be viewed online.

BURB 2: Super Satellites

We invite you to participate in BURB 2 – Super Satellites and the investigation of China’s mushrooming semi-dependent cities.
The big questions such as “what should a city be like?” have after the last urbanization surge in the west quickly faded from the debate. Today and more than ever, China requires such questions to be asked once again. Outside of the lime-light of metropolitan development hundreds of new urban settlements are under construction or being planned. Scattered around big urban centers they grow mostly below the public radar and their impact remains inconspicuous. But at the scale of small capital cities built practically overnight these satellite cities are the growth centers of the next decade. The satellite city is China’s urban remedy, yet its constitution is all but finalized, its implementation all but foolproof.
Partly the result of planning proposals, partly of bold real-estate projects and bewildering development zones the viability of these new districts remains questionable. Constructing them seems easy enough, yet their success is not assured by sheer market force. As reforms push ahead, relocating people and jobs will prove more and more difficult.
The zones often remain empty; the satellites become sleeping towns at best. Their relationship to the mothership—the metropolis—is ambivalent. The satellites want to grow, compete and overtake, offering cheap space and land, facilities and labor. Yet they remain dependent; the local metropolis as their source. Planning and designing a satellite becomes the ultimate balancing act. Positioned too far out no mutual benefit is achieved and daily commute becomes impossible; the metropolis remains a mirage on the horizon. Positioned to close the satellite is in danger of being swallowed up. It loses its potential attraction as a green retreat, its allure as a safe-haven for young families and its promise as a new city.

All ideas for the Chinese satellite from design to theory, visual or descriptive, can now be posted.

Neville Mars, Quinn Comendant

Survey Analysis

Cake-eater’s delight - a first review of

The first thing to say about the data we have so far is that it is by no means representative of China (nor is it about to become so with current levels of internet accessibility). The majority of responses are from city-dwelling university-educated under-35 year-olds. This was not the objective. Instead we aim to snatch a flyby image of the future and the new Chinese—pictures of tomorrow glimpsed by racing through the quarters of today.

Reading through responses we are struck by the cool confidence China has in the midst of massive change. There is a sense that China is on the right track—that there are problems and opportunities for improvement, but these will be met and progress will continue. People’s dreams of 2020 tend to express a positive outlook with strong values—as one dreamer puts it: ‘good environment, good order, citizens’ quality of life improving’. There is a hint that by 2020 people expect to be under less pressure; that perhaps by then China will have caught up with the west and development need no longer be so rapid nor so fervent (‘I expect fresh air with European feelings’; even ‘Beijing will become the place where the likes of David Beckham and Britney Spears will want to be seen’). But for now the course is forward. When asked specifically if they like the changes that are taking place—changes which are rocking minds

and economies across the world—most people breathtakingly answer, ‘We like them so so.’

On the other hand, questions about people’s personal lives evoke much more passionate responses. Strong shifts are visible in how people see their family situation developing, with significant increases in people’s aspirations for partners and children by 2020. Parents fare less well: under half the people currently living with their parents anticipate that this will still be the case in the future, and one third go so far as to relegate their parents to another part of China.
The personal car makes a strong appearance. Even though 66% of people rate the current traffic situation as ‘bad’ or ‘very bad’, 73% expect to own a car in 2020. 41% of those who now travel by non-car methods hope soon to be driving, while those presently in cars insist they will keep on using them. And while the implications of this massive shift toward motorization are terrifyingly apparent at the macro level, they seem not to be felt by individuals. Stunningly over half the pro-car respondents think roads in China should either stay the same or get smaller. This at the same time as believing journeys to work should take less than 30 minutes, and that the future of the environment is ‘very important’.

There is equally little sense of necessary payoff when it comes to space for all these cars. It has been estimated that if current car-purchasing trends continue through to 2020, the area required just to park them would consume 21% of Beijing. And yet the same people who are looking to buy cars are complaining of insufficient public and green space in their cities.

This view of the new Chinese as people who insist they will both have their cake and eat it—i.e. reap benefits without having to suffer
consequences—carries all the way through the survey. It expresses perhaps the massive sense of optimism people feel about improving their own lives, while simultaneously rejecting the idea that any of this will impact negatively on the general situation. Why would an individual’s dream damage the environment they so want to be clean and nice? Is there an implicit contradiction here, or will the Chinese future be able to deliver on every front?

In the case of the built form, the answer is perhaps yes, if you look at it in the right way. The responses seem to express no sense of conflict between new build and old—between hutongs and skyscrapers, or historical and modern feel. There is no division among respondents to suggest a camp of “traditionalists”, who are pro-hutong and anti-change, or “modernists” who are pro-high-rise and pro-change. Those who would like to live in a 50+ story building tend to support the hutongs. Not only this, but over half of them rate having an ‘old feel’ to their future home as either ‘important’ or ‘very important’. How can this be? The answer is that the qualities required for an ‘old feel’ can successfully be combined with super-tall towers. The slice is taken, the cake remains !
Again the responses come out strongly in favor of living in a ‘lively busy neighborhood’ as well as prioritizing ‘peace and quiet’. 85% of those who want one, want both.

And there is an almost absolute refusal to countenance any conflict between the environment and the economy. Concern over the environment is extremely strong, with 85% of people (the highest level of consent for any question) deeming this issue to be ‘very important’ to the future of China. However, this does not mean that fiscal matters may be allowed to slip. Over 90% of people who rate the environment as ‘important’ or ‘very important’ say the same of the economy. Only 6% give significant priority to one over the other.

On more private matters, people are equally defiant. Asked to rate one by one the importance of making money, of children, of their love lives, of their friends, of having fun, and of music, art and books, 40% answer that all are either ‘important’ or ‘very important’; with 11% sticking tenaciously to ‘very important’ right the way across the board. And why not—why compromise?

But what do such high quality of life expectations mean for urban design? Well firstly, that if the current boom in urbanization can find no more creative expressions, future urban frustration will run riot. You don’t have to engage with the idea of city masterplanning to say that you want to have fun, but to have fun in a city you have to be able to move through it smoothly, find people and places you like easily, and discover sophisticated user-orientated environments at every turn.

Increasingly it seems that if Chinese cities are to fulfill the desires of their citizens, they will need to outperform any urban realm seen to date. They will need to facilitate intrinsically conflicting needs. While growing larger in terms of footprint, with more green and better services, they must also become smaller in terms of travel-time and neighborhood feel. They will need to refute the paradox, and serve what can only be described as a burgeoning community of individuals.
Adrian Hornsby

unedited answers here

PROFESSION IN 2020:Teacher教师
In 2020, China must be more urbanized. My life would not change a lot because of my occupation. Teacher is a quite stable job. I expect everything will be better, especially the traffic problem could be improved a lot, and the subways should extend in all directions. And there should be more green; I hope to breathe more pure fresh air. Drinking water will be much cleaner. I expect the buildings are more beautiful, the quantity of cars is much less than now. The population density is reduced. I could go through the city by bike.

2020年的中国应该更加国际化了吧...我的生活方式可能变化不会太大这是由我的职业决定的...教师这一行业还是相对稳定的。我的梦想是各方面应该会 更加完善,尤其是交通问题会有更大的改观,地铁应该四通八达...再有就是应该有更多的绿地,希望呼吸到的空气更加纯净,饮用的水更加纯净...希望建筑 物更加美观一些,汽车的数量大大减少,人口的密集程度减少...可以骑自行车悠闲穿行。

PROFESSION IN 2020:Politician政治家
In 2020 China will have banned cars and everyone will ride bicycles or take transit. All of the skyscrapers will have farms, create their own energy and deal with their own waste. There will be parks nearby, shopping streets, cultural centers and a continuous network of natural systems that cross the city.
在2020年中国会禁止汽车,每个人都骑自行车或者使用传送器。所有的摩天大楼都有农场,用来生产他们自己的所需的能源和处理废物。 会有公园、购物街,文化中心和一个穿过城市的连续的自然系统网络。

PROFESSION IN 2020:Lawyer律师**
There would be better if we had transport without the need for cars or bicycles. Better underground system. Shopping experience will be more integrating that the shops won't be so concentrated on selling one thing in a huge complex. Air pollution should really improve and water shortage could be elevated with some good managing of water distribution and pricing. Recycling would really REALLY REALLY help!!!!! **


PROFESSION IN 2020: civil servant公务员
The economy is developing smoothly; food and clothing problems in the poverty areas could be completely solved; environmental pollution problem could be effectively improved, air quality would be better and better. The traffic jams could be solved as well; there would be no gridlock on the street.The growing population is under control. The quality of the exported products would be improved. No matter politics or economy, China would play its part in the world. And I hope I would have my own villa, private car. And my life would be both intensive and leisurely; I would go abroad to take some periodical refreshment courses or just for traveling.
经济稳步发展,全国贫困地区的温饱问题得到彻底的解决,环境问题得到有效的处理,大城市空气质量得到改善,交通问题得到有效解决,街道上没有隔离带。但私家车数量不至于充斥 大街小巷,人口数量得到有效控制,中国出口的小商品质量大大提高。中国,无论从政治还是经济上来讲,在国际发挥着数一数二的作用。我以后会有自己的别墅,私家车,过着紧张与闲适并存的生活,定期去国外进修,或到处旅游。

PROFESSION IN 2020:Holding down a good job to make some money. You’re nothing in china without it. Just a vulnerable mine worker, waiting for the next explosion. Forget the middle class and join me in my deluxe villa in the sky (or a Western born Chinese man thinking for a future China in all too gloomy ways.)有个挣钱的好工作。在中国没钱就啥都不是。只不过是一个容易受伤的矿工,等着下一次爆破呢。忘掉中产阶级吧,加入到我豪华的空中别墅中来。
My dream for 2020 is to have my own apartment in a tower, with western accommodations. I would like to fit it out with all western furniture. I tend to go for decadence to state my financial position in life. As for life in the city, it will depend more on shopping public places and how to decorate your own apartment. Most of public city life will be replaced by the fear of provincial unrest gone wild in our cities. And the pollution awaiting our weakened lungs outside. So the interior of our buildings will be what remains of our city life, or how to fit out your apartment; this will be the new shopping. Oops, that’s my negativity creating a protective cocoon or just a nightmare.
But my true dream is too idealistic and altruistic to be true, green spaces, lively public life, and environmental standards. But lets be honest, this capitalist/communist hybrid has yet to bring good things to the average Chinese citizen. Political unrest, an unhealthy environment, and rampant consumerism, will only plague us Chinese citizens. So all we have to dream for is a nice place to live in. Negative yes, but honest. So sell me your development with rendered comfort, traditional Chinese serenity, and large fence to keep the negative energy outside. Sorry Dynamic City, I couldn’t think of a dream.
我2020年的梦想是在一个塔里拥有我自己的公寓—西式的。我会全部用西式家具来装修。对于说我的经济地位 我感觉有点颓废。在城市里的生活依赖月更多的公共购物常熟和如何装修你的家。大多数的城市公众生活会被政府不停的过渡开发所破坏。 而且污染在等着我们虚弱的肺。所以建筑中的生活就是我们其余的城市生活了,或者说是如何配备你的家; 这将会是新型购物。 哎呀,我消极的制造保护茧或者噩梦啊。

PROFESSION IN 2020: Artist艺术家
I could go back to any dynasty that I want, like the Spring and Autumn Period.

PROFESSION IN 2020:A job with enough salary for my family to have a high-quality life. It must be a meaningful job with enough spare time, and it also could contribute to the nation做一份薪水足够自己及家人拥有高质量生活的、有足够闲暇时间的、对社会有贡献、有意义的工作。
I hope China in 2020 has territorial integrity, good natural environment, a developed economy, with powerful capacity to fuse and attract different cultures; an ordered and mature society; less sharp distinction between the rich and the poor; the country could protect its citizens better, and people have harmonious lives.
I would live with my wife and child, work for a meaningful job with a satisfactory salary for my high quality life with my family, I would have enough spare time to travel with my family; stable friends and a docile pet. I will be living in a green society with convenient transits and lively surroundings with active neighbors. The city where I would live in is dynamic, with a good environment, convenient traffic, stable development, good order, abundant cultural life; this would make me feel revitalized.
希望中国在2020年领土完整统一、自然环境更好、经济足够发达、拥有强大的文化融合能力和吸引力、拥有成熟有序的社会环境、贫富差距不剧烈、能更好的保 护自己的公民、人们各有所养和谐生活。我和贤良淑雅、深爱对方、有情趣的妻子以及聪明伶俐的孩子在一起生活,从事有意义的、薪水足够自己和家人拥有高质量 生活的工作,有足够的闲暇时间可以陪家人以及外出旅游,有稳定的朋友圈子,有温顺的宠物。我生活在绿化好的社区里,交通便利、生活方便、邻居有趣充满活 力。我所在的城市有活力、自然环境良好、交通状况良好、发展稳定、社会秩序良好、文化生活丰富、令我有足够的新鲜感。我的梦想是成为一个丰富的、对社会有 贡献的、有和美家庭的人。

PROFESSION IN 2020:I think I will try some charity work around 2020在2020年前后,我想我会做慈善事业。In 2020, my life could be more or less similar, but my kids would have grown up, so I can have more time for traveling around and contribute my service to people who need help (like non-profit organization...). In 2020, I would like to see China have set up more charity organizations to help people who need it, such as the disables, low income families, poor kids, for education etc...
在2020,我的生活和现在多多少少差不多, 但是孩子们都长大了,我可以有更多的时间去旅行,去帮助那些需要帮助的人们(非营利组织…)。在2020年,我希望看到中国会建立更多的慈善机构,正规的组织, 去帮助需要帮助的人们,好比残疾人,低收入家庭,贫困生入学等等。

PROFESSION IN 2020:I wish I knew; something related to the cultural industries.我知道就好了,可能会关于文化事业吧。
China will have surpassed the west in environmental innovations, transportation efficacy and urban planning schemes that accommodate a dense urban population and middle-low income earners. There will be more freedom of speech and more education for all, and the countryside as a peaceful alternative to city living will be preferred and protected. Of course, the countryside will have new economic options to keep people there, and will be respected for its unique way of life. No one will want cars! We will all work from home via the internet and virtual offices!

PROFESSION IN 2020:company owner公司老板

  • The cities will become more and more like countries in itself.....


PROFESSION IN 2020:Because my major is business management, I think in 2020 I would have a job in business management, maybe a senior manager; otherwise a teacher in a high school因为我是学商业管理的,所以我想2020年我的工作应该是与之相关的吧,也许做一个高级管理,也许去高校教书。
In 2020, I hope I would have a happy family, and everyone is healthy. Less pressure from living, enough time for traveling. I expect the living environment would have well appointed facilities, nice environment, fresh air and with a European feeling.

PROFESSION IN 2020:manager? …probably.经理? 也许吧
I hope by then we only work 4.5 days, 7hrs a day. If we are lucky, we may still have enough oil and no energy shortage. In 2020, China will be economically stronger and with prosperity on the horizon, I hope it will be much easier to go abroad for a holiday. Maybe by that time, more countries will let us have a 3-month visit visa without much difficulty and we can get the visa on site. Metropolitan life will become more colorful but with more stress from work; people will look for new ways to release stress. Internet cafes are enjoying a big popularity among teenagers now. Maybe in the future, there won’t be any of them around since Internet must be more accessible. Instead, there will likely be more theme parks such as Happy Valley in Shenzhen and Disneyland in HK.
Buses will be made better. And having a car is just like having a nice suite to wear for the day. Expensive sports such as golf and surfing will become more affordable. Hopefully, we have more sense of the environment and a lot of green projects will be carried out. What is badly polluted now will get a lot of attention from the crowd and people will become more willing to resume its original look. In the end, in the year 2020, China will be still blessed with peace and the US won’t be as aggressive or greedy to invade any other countries.
我希望那时候我们只工作4天半,一天7个小时。如果我们幸运的话,我们可以含有足够的燃油并且不再有能源短缺。在2020年,随着地平线上的繁荣,中国经济会更强,我希望出国度假会更容易了。也许那时,更多的国家会让我们有3个月的入境免签。 都市生活会变得更加丰富多彩,工作压力也会更大; 人们会寻找新的减压方法。现在很多未成年人都喜欢去网吧。也许到了将来,就不会有网吧了,因为互联网更容易上了。取而代之的是更多的主题公园,就像深圳的欢乐谷和香港的迪斯尼。
公共汽车会被做得更好。拥有一个小轿车就像拥有一件适合当天的好西装。 贵的运动好比高尔夫和冲浪变得可以接受。希望能够更加的关注环保,更多的绿色计划会启动。很多被严重污染的地方可以得大众的关心,并且努力被还原。最后,在2020年,中国会享受和平,美国也不会像现在这样好战了。

PROFESSION IN 2020:Gardener, manager or musician 花匠,管理者,抑或是音乐家
Get up at 10 o’clock, start working, then a meal, and go to bed at 10 pm, that’s all. Living in a city with mountains and rivers and also animals. The city is quiet, with cultural details, traditional buildings and …room for my dream….

PROFESSION IN 2020:A leader in a medium level cooperation with enough income for my family’s livelihood and leisure一个中层公司领导. 有着足够的收入供我自己和家人的生活,自娱自乐
One or two private cars, living in a suburb 10 minutes driving from to the center. The residential society would have some grass lands, guards etc. the apartment doesn’t need to be very big or a lot of rooms; this would be too difficult to tidy. The city would have improved a lot.
Besides the traditional buildings, all other low buildings would be torn down. The traffic would be much better than now, the main transportation modes are subways and buses, cyclists have their own bicycle lane; that should be much safer. The degree of civilization of drivers would increase a lot, just as in western countries. Pedestrians would have the priority when crossing the road and no illegal vendors on the streets.
有一到二部私家车. 住在离市区不远的近郊, 开车在到公共交通干线约10分钟左右. 生活在小区, 有足够的绿地, 保安等设施一应俱全. 房子不需要太大,房间也不需要太多,收拾起来太麻烦. 城市面貌将大为改善,。
除了一些比较有文化传统和有中国特色建筑风格的老房子与以保留之外,其它烂私房等全部拆掉重建. 城市交通状况将得到大力改善, 在市区以地铁和其它公交交通为主, 骑车人有专用的车道相对来说以保证骑车人安全. 开车人的文明程度和素质也有大力提高,如同欧美一样, 行人永远有着穿越马路的优先权. 街道上不再见到有任何无证小商贩,司机也不再随便按喇叭. 城市些绿地空间. 公交车质量及状况大为改善.

PROFESSION IN 2020:High position in the company公司高层
Have a car, a house. Various lifestyles. Enough food and clothes.

PROFESSION IN 2020:Translator翻译
In 2020, I would live with my family in a not very big apartment in a well-appointed beautiful residential area. I would go to work by public transportation; the public transportations must be very convenient by then. No traffic jams, less than an hour to go to work or go home. More walking streets like Wangfujing (a main walking street for shopping) in the city, no trouble from traffic, so we can relax there. I hope I could run a small shop no matter how much profit I could make.
2020年,我会和我的父母在一个很大的设备齐全的房子里居住, 社区是美丽的。我会每天乘公交车上班; 那时公交一定非常方便了。 没有堵车,上班不用半个小时。城市里有更多的像王府井一样的步行街,没有交通麻烦,所以我们可以很轻松。我希望我可以经营一个小店,无论利润是多少都行啊。

PROFESSION IN 2020:In electronics or technical work 电子市场或者技术工作
More green in the surroundings, well-developed road network. I would buy my parents an apartment. Work hard, live intense.

PROFESSION IN 2020:Designer设计师
I could do anything that I want, promising to give my parents a comfortable life. Free life, good social relationship and fresh air.

PROFESSION IN 2020:Boss of a private enterprise企业高层
Become wealthy!

PROFESSION IN 2020:Artist艺术家
15 years later, I expect I could join into some interesting affairs, like sell paintings, mount paintings, make some beautiful accessories, or run a flower shop. I could go for walk with my grandson in the park to play Taiji (Chinese kongfu). Blue sky, green land with birds and flowers, exchange chess techniques with friends. I want to live in a lower than 6 stories building, no high buildings around so nothing would block the sunshine. There is a row of trees in front of the building to enjoy the shade. A sweet-smell comes from roses and clove trees. There would be no traffic jams on the roads, so the kids could get home quickly to have a rest, an 8 hour workday, and no overtime during the holidays; keeping healthy and energetic. Our kids’ kids would go to a school with highly skilled teachers, bright classes with just 30 students, no more crowded classes of 60 students. No dust in the playground.
15年后,我期望我能加入一些有趣的事情,好比卖画,裱画,做些美丽的附件,或者经营一家花店。 我可以领我的孙子去散步,在公园打太极拳。蓝天,绿草地,鸟还有花,与朋友们下棋…我想住在不到6层的楼房里,阳光不会被高楼挡住。楼前都有一派树荫给人们提供荫凉。丁香与玫瑰的香味扑鼻而来。马路上没有交通堵塞,所以小孩们可以很快的回家休息。8小时工作制,假期没有加班,可以保证健康和充足的体力。我孩子的孩子去一个有高水平老师教书的学校,明亮的教室,一个班里30个学生左右,最多不超过60个学生。操场上没有灰尘。

PROFESSION IN 2020: Management管理
In 2020, I should have my own company, according to my ability I could run it not too bad. My individual material life and mental life would be much better. The apartment doesn’t need to be very big but must be very warm. My car would be the main transportation facility. I want to be an influential man in society, and also give my family a happy life.

PROFESSION IN 2020:A job concerning the environment从事环境方面的专业
I expect the environment would be much better, green everywhere. People have happy lives. I could do what I like. I have a small room with my family. When I have spare time, I could travel, especially to some beautiful places in China and some European countries.

It will be very organized, no noise, no smoke and very clean. I am not living in a big building, but still keeping a courtyard in Beijing. An interesting city with street shopping. Free educated and high welfare. I hope I will be able to do some part-time consulting, and enjoy my life for the rest of the time.

PROFESSION IN 2020:Depending on to the possibilities: 1 movie director; 2 TV show host; 3 costume designer; 4 actor 按可能性排列:1电影导演 2 主持人 3 服装设计师 4 演员 I am typing in front of my computer at 17:25 on 3rd of February, 2006, in my 150 m2 apartment. The apartment is in a 6-storey building, in a small city in China.
Sometime in 2020, I discover with surprise that I am on a water-blue planet. On the land of this planet (not in the water), at 130’17’’ east longitude, 30’25’’ north latitude, I am typing in front of my computer.

PROFESSION IN 2020:Lawyer律师
I’m not too busy earning money, but realizing my dream and promoting to set up a law for animal protection. Playing the piano, cooking in my spare time. Enjoying the life with my wife and traveling. I have a big enough villa; so my parents could move in to live with us as well.

PROFESSION IN 2020:Self-employed 自由职业
I can not imagine how the whole country would be. But I think in 2020, Beijing must be twice as good as in 2008. I live in a big but not too busy city. I only hope there will be a smooth traffic and kind neighbors.

PROFESSION IN 2020:Independent designer自由设计师
Life could be like singing anytime I want to.

PROFESSION IN 2020:No job, I would be better if I could retire soon不工作。能早早的退休最好
I hope in 2020 there will be blue skies, enough drinking water but not too much; no sandstorm, no polluted air from cars; smooth traffic, comfortable, convenient, fast; it is not necessary to have a private car. Three working days per week, the rest four days for studying, relaxing and entertaining. There would be many big cities in 2020, so people would not gather only in one city, and there would be no annual spring rush home problem.
我希望2020年的中国,天空很兰,有足够的水喝,但不要发洪水,没有沙尘暴,没有那么多汽车和尾气,公共交通舒适、方便、快捷,根本就用不到私家车,一个 星期只工作三天就够了,剩下四天学习、休息、娱乐... 到了2020年,中国有很多的大型城市,这样人口就不会扎推儿了,也就没有春运的烦恼了

I hope China will develop into a country in which more people can have a share of the resources it has, where less energy is wasted and ways are found to curb the growing pollution. I hope the economic growth of China will not continue to cut into the rich physical culture and heritage, so as to leave something for our children they can be proud of. I really hope I can still be part of that, and that I can enjoy the beautiful country it will be.
我希望中国可以发展成一个可以共享资源的国家,能源浪费减少了而且有更多的抵制污染的方法。 我希望中国的经济发展不要切断大自然和文化遗产,以之作为留给后代们的骄傲。我真的希望我还可以活到那一天,我可以享受未来美丽的国家。

PROFESSION IN 2020:cultural business文化商业
I would like to live in a suburb of Beijing, with lots of green, maybe a nice park or fields in the area. I have a house with a garden, maybe I work from home. City life will become even more hectic in Beijing with more skyscrapers and only young rich people living in the city who want to go out and go shopping. I would not want to spend too much time in the big city, only occasionally. The few parks that Beijing has will be even more crowded. There will be a better subway station but public transport will still be lagging behind. Traffic jams may become as bad as in Jakarta.
我想住在北京的郊区,有很多绿地,也许是一个公园或者田野。我有一个带花园的小楼,也许我就在家工作。北京的城市生活会变得更狂热,更多的摩天大楼伴随着喜欢外出和购物有钱的年轻人居住在城里。 我不想在大城市里花费太多的时间,仅仅是场合性的。北京仅有的几个公园会变得更拥挤。会有一个更好的地铁,但是公交还是会不够用。交通堵塞会变得跟雅加达一样坏。

PROFESSION IN 2020:international journalist based in china以中国为基础的国际记者
My dream has already come true. I moved to China, build my career here and this country has accepted me and my dream. Moreover, I married a wonderful guy and we bought the house of our dreams: with space, an outdoor area, lots of sunlight and close to lively city centre. Therefore, I would be foolish to add more and more wishes to all the happiness we already have. If my life would never change anymore, it would just be like now. I would already be satisfied. But hey, we keep on dreaming...wishing our parents will stay healthy, wishing one day we can have a baby, wishing our country keeps working with the same creativity. China will develop in the right direction, respecting nature and its people.
我的梦想已经实现了。我搬到了中国,有了我的事业而且这个国家接受了我和我的梦。更多地,我嫁给了一个不错的人而且我们买了么我们的梦之屋:很大,有花园,很多阳光并且靠近市中心。 因此,我会很傻的有越来越多的对快乐的奢望。如果我的生活不再改变,那么未来也就应该如此了。我已经满足了。但是,我仍然有梦想…希望我的父母能够健康,以往有一天我们可以有一个孩子,希望我们的国家能够保持同样的创造力。中国会像正确的、尊重自然和人民的方向发展。

PROFESSION IN 2020: High position officer公司职员(高管理层)
I wish China in 2020 has more cities open to the outside world. The planning of mega-cities should keep pace with the growth of the cities, reducing traffic jams, and increasing green areas, and decreasing pollution. I hope I could live in a fashionably apartment, with spacious rooms and enough sunshine and a big kitchen. Wishing the cable television could be more internationalized, at least could receive some important programs from European or American TV stations. The International Exhibition Center needs to be expanded, because there should be much more exhibitions than there are now. Today some conferences are influenced by the weather and pollution. I hope in 2020 scientific developments can control the pollution more effectively. Of course English education should become more popular, so that China could totally open up to the outside world. I wish the speed of importing movies could be faster and the themes cover various aspects. And the fight against piracy is a long-term effort; so could the price of the movie ticket decrease a little bit?
希望2020年的中国会有更多的城市对外开放。超大城市的城市规划能够赶上城市发展的步伐,减少交通堵塞,增加绿化面积,减少污染。希望到时候我会住在设 计得比较现代化的公寓里。房间宽敞,采光好,有个大厨房。希望有线电视国际化,至少可以收到北美欧洲的一些大电视台的节目。超市之类的不必再多了,统一价 格倒是比较实际。希望有更多中国味道的餐厅和连锁店,最好不要让星巴克成为太普遍的连锁店。

PROFESSION IN 2020: similarly creative work同样的创造力的工作
I wish I could still be very energetic and creative with many new and fresh ideas. I could have a big studio space to work and live separately but very nearby. Also I could have a flat close by for my parents. I wish I could have a garden and green where I live and work. I wish Beijing will have a fully functioning subway system covering every corner at not-more than 10 minutes walk-distance, so I don't need to drive around and be stuck in traffic jam. The streets can have many neighborhoods with shops, cafes, small businesses and services for living. The city can be enjoyed just by walking & biking. There more cinemas with good movies.

PROFESSION IN 2020: Designer, teacher, merchant设计师,老师,商人
A free and relaxing living environment is important to me, and cities should have their own features, they could be more active and busy. No matter living in city or town, the quality of life should never change; people always aspire to a good living environment. My dream is to have a happy life, keep a clear mind and a healthy life.

PROFESSION IN 2020:Anything in art or design跟艺术和设计有关
A free, satisfactory income, a husband and two healthy kids; a lush clean city that keeps developing fast; people are polite and respectful. We enjoy freedom, without compromising on health or the economy.
绿化很好,城市清洁. 城市井然有序,仍旧保持快速的发展,人们很礼貌文明快活.享受自由,不受健康和经济问题制约.

PROFESSION IN 2020:In art艺术 In 2020, I live in a two-storey villa in a village; there are flowers, fruit, vegetables and trees planted in my 600 m2 courtyard. I usually wake up in the morning and come out from my bedroom on the second floor to the yard to enjoy the fresh air and do some exercise. After a simple breakfast in the kitchen on the first floor, I go to the reading room. Check my email and start working on-line. I go to my office to design and create my art in the afternoon. I meet friends in the evening. During the weekend, I would take my family on a trip or visit some exhibitions or performances, or maybe just relax. Every year I would have one month for traveling in China, and one month traveling overseas, two months are for going on business. Half of the year I work at home, the other half I work in an office. Public transportation in the city has developed and so have various cultural and recreational places and facilities. Most people in this city rely on internet for their work and their daily life and leisure and also for joining some dazzling shows. The densest urban area is the CBD, connected by roads, railways and subways. Many people live with their families in individual buildings in the suburbs; gardening becomes a hobby of most people.
2020年我住在乡间的二层别墅中,楼下是种着花草树木和水果蔬菜的院子,占地600平米。我通常早晨醒来走出位于二层的卧室,来到自家院中感受一下树木和花草的气息,活动一下身体。在一层的厨房简单吃点早餐后,步入书房。打开电脑查邮件,并开 始利用网络开始工作。下午到工作室构思和创作自己的艺术作品。晚上见见朋友。周末全家出游或者参观艺术展览和演出,或者去娱乐一番。我每年有1个月在国内旅游,1个月在国外旅游。2个月在国内外公务出差。其余时间有一半时间居家办公,一半时间去工作场所办公。这个城市的公共交通很发达,有各种各样的文化娱乐场所和设施。大部分人的工作、生活和休闲依赖互联网,同时参加一些现场的活动。城市建筑密度最大的区域是CBD以及周边新城的核心商业区,由轨道和公路、铁路路网将城市的各个部分和周边连接起来。许多人都和家人住在郊区的独立住宅中,园艺成为很多人的爱好。

PROFESSION IN 2020: Self-employed 自由职业
Comfortable life with friends, vibrant human cultural environment; no wars. I want to see today become a memorable era.

PROFESSION IN 2020: In 2020 I want to have a position in an accounting department of a big corporation and I would become a registered accountant.会在一间大的公司的财务部担任职务,我那时已经是注册会计师
In 2020, I hope I would have a private car, I could take my family out for fun, and I’d use it for work too. My kids would study close to our home. There is a good environment, with harmony, the quality of citizens is increasing. The city is clean with fresh air, and it becomes completely utopian. I dream to have a happy home, a healthy body, a xiaokang / well-off economy, and I reach my own goals.
2020年,我希望家里有一台小车,平时周末可以一家大小出去玩.平时上下班都是用共公交通工具,小朋友上学也是在家附近,环境很好.社会治安好了,人民 素质提高了,城市卫生好了,空气好了,真正成为一个社会大都市.我的梦想是家庭快乐,身体健康,经济小康,自己有自己的职业定位.

In 2020, I hope the city where I live is more beautiful, with professional shopping malls, which offer abundant choices for shopping; enough parks and public spaces; a good education system and good schools; smooth traffic; no pollution and the air is clean. No matter in city or village, we could see a tidy clean appearance, and enough roads for transportation (in the rural areas). My family is happy and the life is quiet, we educate our child with success, the life is quite well-off. I can fully develop my own talent and continue to improve myself along the way; keeping a young and healthy spirit.
2020年,我梦想我生活的城市更漂亮,有大型的专业的购物市场, 使购物有充分选择的余地;有充足的公共活动场所和公园;有良好的教育体制和好的学校;有通畅的交通;

PROFESSION IN 2020:Run my own company有自己的公司
In 2020, Beijing would be much bigger than now; the environment would be still quite polluted. Much more cars. I would be very busy commuting between my company, my home and my kid.

PROFESSION IN 2020:Professional fundraiser职业筹款人
Quiet and peace. Playing with the children, walking with my parents; reading in my spare time, and doing some exercise to keep healthy, also traveling sometimes.

PROFESSION IN 2020:I’ll run my own company开办自己的产业
I’ll have my own company; a 80 m2 apartment with 3 bedrooms, which is near my parents home and it’s convenient to take care of them; is far from the center, surrounded by beautiful vegetation; the education for my children is better and the tuition for schooling is less. The medical care is improved and cheaper. Society is stable, and the economy is growing steadily. The gab between rich and poor is getting smaller. People are wealthy and living and working conditions in the rural areas have much improved. The distance between city and village is smaller and smaller.
拥有自己的产业公司、80平米的3室一厅房子、距离父母近一些以便照顾他们,远离市中心,住房周郊绿化优美,孩子们教育较好、教育支出减少,医疗条件提升 和支出减少,社会安定,经济发展平稳上升,贫富差距非常小,老百姓经济富裕,农村生活、就业条件得到极大改善,农村和城市差距越来越小。

PROFESSION IN 2020:I’ll have a coffee bar, and I hope I’ll have many chain stores by 2020, and I hope to promote the coffee culture in China and the hutong lifestyle of Beijing, so people would know more about living in the hutongs (alleys) in Beijing. I would be a familiar costumer in one of the bars. 我拥有一个咖啡馆,希望在2020年可以有很多家的连锁店,将中国的咖啡文化与北京的胡同生活做到更丰富的传播,让人们对北京胡同有更多的了解.我会做一个咖啡馆的老服务员!
In 2020, I hope the hutong where I grew up will not disappear, and the old siheyuan (courtyard) still tell us its history. I like having Beijing Zhajiang Mian (home style noodle) with cold beer in the summer; sitting in hutong and chatting with my friends, watching the kids playing around. That kind of life would be great. It would be better if there is a place to exercise, and if we keep some traditional things, because the times are changing so fast, some people always keep thinking of the toys in their childhood, and also I ‘d like hearing locals calling like “have you eaten yet? No, let’s go get some together….” Haha, just like that.
2020年,我希望从小生活的胡同不会没有,古老的四合院还在诉说着历史的沧桑,我喜欢夏天吃着炸酱面,喝着冰凉的啤酒,作在我们家胡同口,和哥几个聊着 天,看着自己的孩子在身边玩耍,那生活才叫一个"爽"!最好附近可以有个更开放的娱乐场所,可以做作健身运动,城市最好还可以保留一些古老的东西,因为时 代变化太快,总有些人还惦记小时侯的玩意.最好,还可以听到这样的吆喝:"磨剪子了......戗菜刀.....","吃了吗?没吃一块吃点吧",哈哈哈 哈哈!就这样了

PROFESSION IN 2020: Teacher, artist教师,艺术家

  • A dream is only a dream. According to the situation now, a dream would remove you only be further away, so you’d better stop dreaming.


PROFESSION IN 2020: Artist艺术家

  • An artistic lifestyle, living in a natural and harmonious environment. I dream the city would be like a big garden and I am the bee.


PROFESSION IN 2020:Still working for as a news reporter, but I hope I’ll be more qualified 很可能仍然从事新闻报道工作,希望到时已经是资深的了......
I hope the environment would not be worse than now, and population would be smaller. Our lives would be more like the lives of Europeans and Americans; I hope we could travel around during a certain period every year; that I could live following my own ideas, happier and simpler.

PROFESSION IN 2020: Not sure, maybe the same as now不知道,还是老样子吧
Warm family, harmonious and quiet life, a job that I love, a group of friends with similar interests and some fun.

PROFESSION IN 2020:Something in computing做计算机方面的事
Kiss my wife before going to work, work, and play with my kids after work, sleep. Some extra green in the garden. Get the chance to do a postgraduate.

PROFESSION IN 2020:international business man国际商人
In my dream, I hope I can earn all the money I want and then live in a modern city like Shenzhen, Qinhuangdao and so on. I wish I could live in a place which is beautiful, quiet and peaceful. And the city becomes more and more comfortable!

PROFESSION IN 2020:artist艺术家
In 2020, China will be like Germany in, just before ww2. the big shots of Zhong Nan Hai in Beijing, will have all the power of their fantasy, to seize Taiwan and to compete with America. This will be the start of the darkest time for humanity.

City life in Beijing will be fast and furious. People will become more aware of the temptations of huge shopping malls and will become more demanding, and also more aware of the grayness and blandness these giant elements grew out of. Beijing will be like a spider’s web, spread out to 7th ring road, with tightly packed skyscrapers aligning the roads. Roads will be as congested as other South East Asian cities. I just hope that bicycles come back in fashion, and that bicycle lanes survive!

PROFESSION IN 2020: Journalist记者
Beijing in 2020 will be a safe, modern and clean city. It will have sky trains on monorails and 20 subway lines - with trains that run on time. It will have skyscrapers, of course, but unlike today, there will be enough parking for each flat owner that also owns a car so they will not park in public gardens anymore. Beijing will have a range of sport, leisure and entertainment activities and will be the place where the likes of David Beckam and Britney Spears want to be seen.... I want Beijing to be clean and orderly. I want Beijing to have all the "fruits" of the 21st century, but I still want to see bicycles, tang huluo, hong shu, I want in 2020, still to be able to ice skate on Houhai and eat jianbing, in an alley, just off Xidan.....I dream of Beijing bringing back the mianbao (mini-van) taxis- together with their fast talking, fast driving street smart Beijingnese drivers.
2020年的北京将会是一个安全,现代和整洁的城市。会有空中单轨列车和20个准时运行的地铁线路。自然还有摩天大楼,但是不是像现在这样的,它们给每一个拥有汽车的业主足够的停车场,大家都不用在公共的地方停车了。北京会有一系列的体育,休闲和娱乐活动安排,就像贝克汉姆和布莱尼都想去那些地方被大家看到… 我希望北京变得干净整齐。我希望北京会有21世纪的所有“成果”, 但是我仍然想看到自行车,糖葫芦,红薯,在2020年,我希望仍然可以去后海滑冰,在西单后边的胡同里吃煎饼。我梦想着北京可以重新起用面的—被快车快语的地道北京司机驾驶着。

PROFESSION IN 2020:Consultation work about design or research 咨询设计工作,或者研究工作
Good urban environment, less pollution, moderate rain with adequate sunshine; open cultural environment which will accept varies cultures; more media participants; easier face-to-face interpersonal communication; A convenient, colorful, and rich material life with excellent traffic conditions; better work, more leisure time; many people will be able to explore their amateur creativity.

PROFESSION IN 2020:Small individual workshop owner小作坊主
I think I will get married and have my baby in 2020. We enjoy our happy life! I will go back to the village where I was born and start my peaceful and quite work and life! The city in my dreams is no longer snobbish and she will give the warmest care to everybody who comes from very far away. In my dreams I will have a virtuous wife and a considerate lover and some children, neither too wise nor stupid, just having their own ideas. They will work happily and they treat each other fair and will be treated fairly. Each month I will have one or two free weeks, and then I can go everywhere, just following my inner voice, coming from the bottom of my heart.
I sincerely hope that then I still can bear something in my mind: self-esteem, self-healing and independence; a clear conscience.

PROFESSION IN 2020:self-employed自由职业者
I will have an easy life, active and cozy. There would be less tall buildings, less private cars, and convenient transportations. I hope I will be very free and sometimes working for others to earn extra money. I will have much spare time so that I can travel around the world.
生活悠闲,充满生气,温馨; 城市里不要有太多的高楼大厦,交通很方便,不要有太多的私家车。

PROFESSION IN 2020:I am learning urban planning in Canada. I hope I would back to China in 2020 and become part of a new-generation of designers. 我现在正在加拿大学习城市规划,我希望我在2020年的时候能回到中国成为中国的新一代规划师。
I hope in China in 2020 everybody would have their own house to live in and there are fewer differences between cities and villages. Government administration would be public and transparent. The different levels for public education will be clear. It would be a city with advanced public facilities and convenient transportation and excellent welfare system and medical care. I also hope I can live in a tall building or villa in the village. The living model of high-level and high-density or high-level and low-density is not suitable for China. The only way both to solve the housing problem and maintain certain living condition is an appropriate combination of building height with intensive land use. The traditional culture of neighborhood and community should be brought to a great height of development. I am looking forward to living in a big cozy and harmonious community with good environment together with all my family members and relatives. Everyone, no mater in the city or the village, has a stable job, reasonable salary, excellent social security and a very optimistic mind.
我希望2020年的中国是一个居者有其屋,城乡差异减少,政府管理公开透明,公立教育门类层次分明,公共设施和市政交通发达,福利医疗制度完善的国家。我 并期望住高楼或者乡间别墅,那些高层高密度或者底层高密度的居住模式并不适合中国。高度和土地使用强度适度结合才能既解决中国那么多人口的住房问题又维持 一定的居住质量。中国传统的邻里社区文化应该被发扬光大。我期待和我的家人亲戚生活在一个环境良好且温馨和谐的大社区,即不用太多地依靠私家汽车又能顺利 便捷地享受各种公共娱乐休闲设施。无论是城市还是乡村,每个人都应该有稳定的工作,合理的收入,健全的地福利保障,平和的心态。

PROFESSION IN 2020:Company employee (professional) 公司职员 (专业的)
I hope I can live an easy life in 2020. There would less pressure from my job so that each year I could have two or three weeks to travel. The transportation is more convenient. The living quality for citizens would improve a lot. We have a normal life.
I have a dream that I am healthy and in the company of a lot of friends and I don’t have to worry about earning money.

PROFESSION IN 2020:Boss, teacher, professional manager开公司、教师、职业经理人
I have twins, a happy family, no worries about food and clothes.

PROFESSION IN 2020:travel business旅游
I hope I can live in a beautiful village with nice surroundings, convenient transportation. I also hope I have more free time to travel and see the undeveloped places.

PROFESSION IN 2020:Architect and planner建筑师,策划人
I would like to live in a city without cars and with various kinds of public transportations: bus, subway, train... cheap, fast, comfortable and clean ones. They also have to be available at night. It will take less than 5 minutes by foot to be connected to every station... The roads will be smaller and designated for walking and soft, ecological transportations, like bikes and roller blades. We could find different kind of places to relax, have a walk or do some sports without paying. There will be no entrance, no guards to shake, and we can find people everywhere, outside, inside buildings, on the roof of buildings to enjoy the city from the top. .. it will be open to everybody. And green, green everywhere, along the streets, on the walls, and the roofs... We could also have a walk or picnic on the sand with some friend along the canal, and why not swim there and have a shower after. There will be no advertisement, not any visual pollution on front of the buildings; architecture alone could express herself and her beauty and colors...
我想住在一个没有轿车的城市,但是有其他各种公交:公汽、地铁、列车…便宜、快速、舒适而且干净。 同样在晚上也可以乘坐。每站之间走路也就5分钟 …路变窄了而且为行人的环保交通工具,比如自行车和滑轮,所设计。我们可以发现不同的休息场所,散步和作运动是免费的。没有入口,没有保安,我们可以发现人们在每一个地方,室内、室外,在房顶人们可以在顶部享受城市…对每一个人都是开放的。 到处都是绿色的,沿着街道,在墙上,在屋顶上…我们可以在人造运河的沙滩上与朋友们散布和野餐,当然也可以游泳了。没有广告, 没有任何的视觉污染;只有建筑本身表达着自己的美丽和颜色。

PROFESSION IN 2020:Senior manager高级管理层
I will live in a villa in China in 2020, with fresh, unpolluted air, more trees and green fields and blue skies…
Everyone just works at home, no longer needs to gather in one office building. We can save both the resources and the time, and we also can allocate our time freely to improve efficiency and relieve traffic congestion.

PROFESSION IN 2020:The city maybe more modernized, but the living environment may not have changed much, my lifestyle won’t either. I hope China can develop more, more balanced, paying more attention to ecology. I dream to have a nice family, lovely kids, a family that cares about each other, and my own comfortable home.

PROFESSION IN 2020:Architect建筑设计
Lifestyle: my own studio; holiday twice each year, live with my parents.
Living environment: more trees, less cars, broader spaces. People fell bored about the lifestyle in cities because the functionality of cities is weakened day by day. However commercial mechanisms continuingly make more and more people pour into the cities. Due to the problem of transportation and value orientation, the centre of city moves closely to its edge. The repetition of urban functions at the edge of big cities will ultimately destroy the city.
My dream is to increase living space in the whole country so to fundamentally solve the problem of the shortage of land. Pay more attention to the relationship between neighborhoods, forms of living and working.

PROFESSION IN 2020:Work which could make enough money, and offer an easy life. Self-employed: writer, graphic designer, fashion related design. Or some other professional work.可以挣足够钱的工作,保持轻松的生活。比如:自由职业者(小型家庭办公),作家,设计师,服装设计类。或者一些专业工作。
We are more more mobile than now, using a mobile office, I only need to go to the office when a face to face meeting is required. I hope the city could be greener than now it is. I could leave alone or with my friends, and no longer live in big modern building, things could be offered by high tech. but not that cold. All the surrounding things could keep the old style (maybe with new ideas), downtown will be more and more like a functional place, not for living but only for social things. At night, it will just turn off…
More and more people will just move out to the uptown inside of downtown. Tubs will be the major transportation in city.
更多的可移动性,应该有可移动办公室了,只在需要面对面会议的时候去办公室。 希望城市绿化能好点。 我可以自己住或者和朋友住,再也不用住在楼里了,可以支持高科技。但是不会阴冷。 所有的周围建筑都是老式的(也可以是新创意)。室内越来越像一个实用地点,不是居住用而是社会功能的。在晚上,他就关掉了。

PROFESSION IN 2020:Architect建筑师
The cities will have evolved to be more sensible to excessively fast development. I wish to live in a compact city center where walking is pleasant and possible. I believe city life will be more compact, as everybody only needs a computer with internet connection and not much more. Therefore private space would be reduced and we can give more as open public spaces.
城市会对过度开发越来越明智。 我希望我会住在一个紧凑的市中心,在那里散步是令人愉快并且可能的。我相信城市生活会变得更紧凑,每个人都不需要其他的,仅仅是需要一台连着互联网的电脑。这样私人空间就减少了,从而增加了公共场所的空间。

PROFESSION IN 2020:Program Architect or media artist. Working on the living conditions of the underprivileged of society, creating the qualities of mainstream society. 建筑师(项目建筑师)或者媒体艺术家。致力于小众的生活环境,但同时具有对于大众开放的属性。
It’s a kind of mix. Based on progressive traffic. The elderly population will increase, but the space available will reduce. The lifestyle of senior citizens will diversify. We’ll see a cultural renaissance.

PROFESSION IN 2020:Photographer 摄影师
Being happy with my family

PROFESSION IN 2020:Top level translator高级翻译
My life will be much easier than now, I will have my own car and house, and I will marry the one I love. The conditions of the city will be even worse, so I will settle down in a satellite town or suburban area. The city will be busier, more like Manhattan, New York. My dream is so simple: to do what I want in a peaceful life.

Owned by neville mars / Added by neville mars / 18.6 years ago / 81559 hits / 4 hours view time


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