Wild Beijing / Seeping Shanghai
Author: Shuo Wang w.shuo@yahoo.com
Animation: Beijing "DONUT" - where everything comes in
Animation: "RED VIRUS" - how epicenter grows
Wild Be[ij]ing is a direct forward attempt to deal with uncontrolled urban emergences. It inspects Beijing, a wild city of unprecedented rapid growth, in which logics for production of urban substance are constantly shifting and reinvented. It seeks to deploy a strategic proposal in response to the interweaving reality: instead of the current regulating process; it takes the urban as field of action and offers strategies for intensifying the mobile density through enabling the massive subversive forces. In turn, it will expose the city’s future of unprecedented three-dimensional congestion - a hyper-dense city.
In this approach, Wild Be[ij]ing tries to merges two seemingly opposing concepts of urbanity into one: the top-down plan that treats developments as lockdown enclaves; the unregulated activities that flood the urban ground. It propagates a new urban process by using the vast urbanizing developments as a framework to proliferate street commerce – instead of being parasitical, unregulated activities can weave into the rigid structure of existing residential blocks and disturb it like a virus infection. Once they reach the critical masses that catalyst the ferment, the city will reinvent itself as an uninterrupted continuation of hyper-dense artificial landscape capable of accommodating all manners of street life.
Energent wildness
Paradoxical as it may be, the past decade of urban development has reflected that, the execution of an ideal of modernism’s urban planning have, in turn, generated a reality to its opposite end - a far more complex condition even intensifies diversities. To the point that today the metropolis is nothing but a defined one.The urban transformations that have come to pass around the world, in American, European, and above all, Asian are filled with wild mutations. In a way, the physical transformations of urban field consist of hamperings, congestions and violent eruptions in different directions. These emergences present something metaphorical about the structure of the order, or non-order, by which the cities actually grow.
In an unspeakable way, such sign is embodied in Emmet Gowin’ landscape photos: The plan of the pivot agriculture as a presupposed unitary control is disturbed by its harvest traffic. The dynamic interaction which bring the static back to life finally results in a chaotic pattern....
Urban as field of action
In testing the capacity of the evolutionary model to deal with the phenomena and the process of physical mutation of the city, we should look at the urban as a field of action, in which juxtaposition, intersecting, rupture, and eruption…all of these dynamic layers work together toward a new hyper-active situation.
The city is inundated with innovative urban upheavals – points and lines of dense grassroots activities in the urban surface are viewed as “vertical” eruption of the underlying dynamics. Their intensified changes are understood as the link between urban rupture and temporal conflict. Acting in such pinch points of the city, social subsystems are often suspended in a situation of internal cohesion rather than integrated to the territorial networks in which they are simultaneous involved, but their interaction processes can serve as a tool box for new modes of intervention. By investigating the varies evolution of these “eruptive” facts, a programmatic catalogue can be build up used to activate the urban space and offer strategies for intensifying the dynamic density through enabling the massive subversive forces.
The explosive urbanization in Beijing opens a new level of urban growth. Under the desire of development, the city is giving all way to consumer economy, leading to the relent relocation of inner-city inhabitants, disappearance of historical identity, rapid construction of monotonous world-class skyscrapers. But even the wildest reality contain certain profound quality. The urban as a complex situation involves the active participation of the masses. The question is how the overflow of density will land in a way that does not kill its unique vitality, constructing an alternative city based on multiplicity and heterogeneity.
Focus on Wild Be[ij]ing
Wild Be[ij]ing take the temporal dimension of the change as an opportunity of dynamic situation to question the city’s profound quality in the present reality.
Beijing’s urban transformation shows an accelerated evolution process from the single and simple to the diverse and manifold. It has been experiencing an incredible magnitude of urban growth since the last quarter of the past century. In a decade, 5 million rural migrants have rushed into the city. Their new vision of the city reshaped the urban ground in an unprecedented explosive way. The largely uncontrolled economic upheavals presented its domestic urban condition as a paradigm of urban wildness that thrives against any prediction from the discipline. Beijing’s future is unpredictable, only one thing is for sure, that urban planning can never hold up the energy of onstant eruptions.
The main driving force of the recent rapid economic development is the acceptance of a powerful and uncompromising ideology of late-captalism. Beijing as a city-state, mostly urged by free market forces, there is no time to think or reflect. The strain on infrastructure are becoming increasingly apparent. Old buildings are torn down and cleared up the next day for new constructions. While this untapped fast growth happening in such a large scale, Land, as a factor of production in limited supply, would lead to diminishing returns: the overall benefit will relatively decrease after a certain point of sprawl. The up coming 6th and 7th ring roads seem already go beyond the point where infrastructural development in the newly established area becomes economic unfeasible. The city is undergoing with “thinning out”. As a synthesis representation of the density, floor area per capital and land cost, most of these numerous constructions is located between 3rd Ring and 5th ring. Formally diffused boundary of the city is becoming intense urban battlefield.
In contrast, the rapid urbanization is paired by over-population, joblessness and poverty in the rural area. Rural migrants have entered the city. Because of no secured employment, they rushed into any open public space and flooded it with innumerable street trades. This has inevitably resulted in the spread of squatter settlements and shanty “village in the city”. The only way we can describe the city is a state of constant instability: There is a huge urban migration resulting in 20% floating population without settled jobs and an exacerbating income gap between the newly rich and the remaining poor. This presents Beijing as a serious challenge and at the same time a paradigm for wild construction/reconstruction.
At this moment, there is no given urban grammar for the haphazard development in Beijing. However, there are some inductive quality in some of those area , which can in turn, be developed or already developing, a subversive logic of urban nomad strategy. That is one based on the ill-defined public ownership and its relation to private initiative. Private initiative appeared as the most possibility to fulfill demands of growing masses and move economy from the previous centralized planned to a chaotic stage of dispersed developments, shuffling the urban ingredients to keep their variety and vitality. The evolution of such urban typologies will be used as anchoring points to activate the urban space. This “developers” logic might be elusory, but is constructing to a large scale of development.
Research for Alternative
At this moment, Beijing produces itself as an urban laboratory of innovative substances, from which new strategy will be drawn that allow urban interventions tapping into the real time evolution of lived space.
In order to tap into the real time transformation of the city, there are several co-operating components going through the research:
1. Specific locale. i.e. particular sections of the city in a specific period of time. They are taken as inductive to certain quality, and even zoomed into certain block for detained analysis.
2. Discontinuity / heterogeneity, new program, wild growth which cannot be represented by the “plan”.
3. New language and techniques to tap into the situation, restate them in certain aspects.
Site - Da Hong Men Migrants Area
Since late 1980s, the flux from the rural populations to the urban area has been poorly matched by land reclamation. The way they carve into the urban surface, is like scars disfigure a face - migrants share common hometown concentrate in the camp, formally termed “village in the city” - scattered in between ring roads.
During one and a half decades, Da hong men area grew from a diffused suburban area with small villages and a couple of factories to the most contested urban area of the city. With a distinct 0.11 million migrants (mostly from the Zhejiang Province) and 40 thousand original inhabitants concentrated in less than 10 km2 of land. The density reaches 15000 p/km2. As the continuous low residences near the inner city are replaced by new block/tower developments, the small villages grows quickly to accommodate migrants. The land of the former fabric and wood factories is encroached by small initiatives and sold illegally to residential developers for making profits. As the new developments are forced out, the migrants start to look for sites within former oil refineries to build their new “migrant village”.
Evolutional Analysis
In early stages, garment venders blossomed along the lines of transportation flux while rapidly intensified towards any possible open public space and take hold of it. The flooding of this huge network simply finds its way around any institutional authority, remaining mobile to escape prosecution. In a moment, the local administrator did consider legitimate spontaneous markets. Bits by bits of clearing is processed and empty temporary structure is provided. All available city space gradually turned into testing grounds for new commerce through dense juxtaposition of formally unrelated units.
As a result of incessant spatial reconfiguration, the possibility of arranging programs are far more stretched then ever conceived.
Site Simulation
Studying everyday life, the ensemble of personal territories, shows that the periphery of Beijing is not an archipelago, it does not work as a collection of detached enclaves held together by infrastructure. Its urbanity moves in between the masses, in between the flooding of surface area by massive amount of people, in between the coexistence of opposing top-down plan and unregulated activities.
We also have to move away from the prevailing modernist urbanism in which “top-down” and “bottom-up” have been framed in binary oppositions, as mutually exclusive and inherently incompatible aspect of the urbanity. The face-to-face contact turned out to offer a far more mixed spatiality that necessitate a “transitional urban intervention”, to bridge together the territories that has been kept apart, to augment the transitional connections and to steer its development trajectory for prosperity.
What is enabling?
Urban Reforming Test
Through investigating the evolution of spontaneous facts, stirring the mechanism of wildness across different layers, EWB propose dynamic design procedures as a means of choreographing simultaneously the inhabitants, small initiatives, market and institutional forces. It aims at augmenting mobile density in relation to the continuous changing parameters in the urban environments. Below are three consecutive tests on pieces of urban fragments, which belong to a tangible, urgent, all-encompassing situation. They might be of different scale, different stage, attacking different aspect of an existing system – They aren’t providing a complete set of answers of the city in present, nor do I desire to offer one, rather, They are posing possibilities of desirable future scenarios. The transformation takes time, eventually the site will be activated with increasingly diversified compactness in the territory to withstand any given form of order, either centralized monopoly or flaccid sprawl.
SCENARIO #1: Attacking Privatized Space
The urban paradox now presents itself as an interface between seemingly disengaged elements: the lockdown developments and the street commerce. while merging them towards one network of urban dynamic, it propagates a new urban process of using the vast urbanizing developments as a framework for the street commerce to proliferate - instead of being parasitical, unregulated activities can weave into the rigid structure of existing residential blocks and disturb it, in a way like virus infection.
SCENARIO #2: Altering Public Space
Densifying the fast-growing mobile population within theconstraint of existing urban infrastructure. Vivid spatial connections inserted into the blighted structure, stimulating a multitude of scenarios that offer new possibilities of blending urban ingredients, and adapt them to the urban realm of wildness. They gradually take hold of the public pace and in turn back-engineer the entire infrastructure using the informal, nomadic activities, to reach a new vertically congested city.
SCENARIO #3: Urban Implosion
With underlying the necessity of response to an all-encompassing realm, the “violence” is unavoidable in the urban field. The truth that every urban form confines human occupancy, in the reciprocal way that human intrudes the urban space, such violent process will serve as the fundamental blue print for a new intervention. Rather than leaving all the forces submerge in the detached environment, EWB try to enhance the collision between the fields of action and the physical urban space, to reveal its potential of an urban implosion.
When such implosion find way to its physical presents on the urban surface, it works as an epicenter of a vast underground energy release. The life and death of numberous energy epicenters from different aspects of everyday life together form a bigger picture of the ever densifying future city - the Beijing "DONUT"
The future of hyper-density has yet to come...
_081008 in Beijing
Authors: Rogier van den Berg, Daan Zandbelt, Bart Witteman
More and more urban areas are growing into Metropolitan fields. The question is if these systems, housing sometimes more then 40 million inhabitants, can be understood as a single city. Cities grow into agglomerations and agglomerations into even bigger structures, making it harder and harder to see where one starts and another stops. From central city, urban areas grow into Continental Urban Systems. A key factor in this progress is that citizens or business are no longer bound to local situations, but choosing from a range of possible locations on a regional or even national playing field. This process has already created the BosWash corridor in the USA and is transforming the Rhein-Ruhr-Scheldt Delta more and more into a cross-border urban system.
What will be the consequences for the Yangtze Estuary as it will soon grow into one of these Continental Urban Systems?
BosWash Corridor, USA
The Boston-Washington corridor stretches some 700 kms along the USA´s Atlantic Coast. Its original core is formed by a series of immigration ports on advantageous locations, like Boston, New York and Baltimore. Due to a growing concentration of functions and facilities in these separate cities, the area slowly grew into a ´national Main street´. From ports cities specialized and have grown more and more into a symbiotic system of connected nodes. These nodes in turn are connected through a dense net of high- rail- and freeways that opened up the area in between for suburban development. Nowadays, the BosWash corridor is a complex urban landscape of some 44 million inhabitants, connecting CBD´s, suburbs and resorts to institutions, universities and industries.
Northwest Europe
The Northwest of Europe forms an extensive international urban network along the courses of the Rhine, Maas and Schelde River. Over the course of centuries, the need and availability of energy resources, industry and ports has formed a diverse and dense pattern of industrial regions, river ports and agglomerations in what has historically been one of the most populated deltas in Europe. Now that borders in the EU mean less and less, airports, cities and regions started competing for access to global markets. This leads to an increasing specialization and growing traffic between places. More and more, local developments address the regional market of about 42 million potential customers. The new transnational relation between Randstad (7 million inhabitants), Ruhrgebiet (12 million) and Vlaamse Ruit (3,5 million) will re-arrange the delta into areas of different speeds: fast and dynamic in connected zones versus deliberately slow and quiet areas that nourish their relative isolation.
Yangtze River Delta
In imperial times, Shanghai and Nanjing were back to back as a commercial sellout versus one of China’s intellectual capitals. Later on Shanghai was appointed a SEZ, and the world turned it’s eyes on Shanghai and vise versa. Pudong was appointed a bridgehead for development, but restrictions and regulations disturbed the view on the mutual relation between Shanghai and the rest of the estuary.
Now, the boom that started in places like Shanghai has surpassed the Pudong borders since long. Right now, with new cities being built, it is taking up Shanghai province. But soon, growth will spread over further reaches of the Yangtze estuary as well. Ports, cities and their connections will need to adapt to massive changes in the next decennium. When the urban population in the region will double, triple, or quadruple, will it be possible to control development? ‘Shanghai, doom and dream’ sketches two visions on the future Continental Urban System in the Yangtze River Delta
Out of control – Development based on connectivity
Regional planning on the level of the Delta does not exist and once the borders of Shanghai SEZ will burst, development will swallow the rest of the Yangtze estuary. Millions will settle in the flat lands surrounding Shanghai and triple the urban area by 2020. Rural villages will grow into cities, connecting country roads scaled up to wide avenues and grow into endless streets lined by a patchwork of slabs, malls and factories. The constantly increasing mobility will make location features in the region more and more equal, the only important feature being the distance to a major transport corridor. The development of these corridors will create a new city lining a network of highways, just until the ultimate capacity of these corridors is reached. The only way to escape the resulting gridlock, will be through the islets within this supergrid. Those who can afford, will move into these formerly remote pockets in the urban system and establish their own connections, by air or boat. The system will fall apart into two separate systems: private accessible islands surrounded by some sort of generic ´Yangtze Urban Mix´ of low-key mixed use, that borders the mass infrastructure all the way from Shanghai to Nanjing.
Landscaping – development based on specialization
In this case the economic boom is not only shaking Shanghai SEZ, but the whole of the Yangtze estuary all at once. The river shores between Ningbo, Hangzhou and Nanjing are growing into an urban field. To promote cooperation, all of the Delta will be incorporated in the Shanghai Special Economic Zone. Cities will compete on accessibility, geography and housing conditions. The Yangtze estuary will develop into a tapestry of distinct cities in comparable stages of development. Availability of geographical features such as hills, seashores, and local skills will be promoted and lead to specialization. This will emphasize the existing geography and lead to a regional zoning. Thus, islands in the river will sell their isolation, seashore towns promote coastal tourism, hillside towns will create luxury neighborhoods offering views on the Delta. The existing geography that promotes Shanghai’s special status will be changed into a constellation of specialized centers dotting the Yangtze Delta.
Owned by neville mars / Added by neville mars / 18.2 years ago / 8781 hits / 2 hours view time
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