Related to Dynamic Density
- Perceived density — density, perceived, the chinese dream
- PUC* — jin hu, north china plane, rural urban hybrid, saskia, splatter pattern, the chinese dream, urban village
- Dynamic City Foundation — dcf, dynamic, neville
- The Node — child:zero-city, sort:60
- Urban China Magazine — beijing, child:zero-city, magazine, social, sort:110, urban china
- Hey, f*ck! — dreaming, fortification, planning, suburbs, the chinese dream
- Urbanist's Kaleidoscope
- Utopian Cities 乌托邦城市 — 2020, citizenship, contradiction, famers, reforms, the chinese dream, urban
- Book: Zero City — forest, parent:zero-city, solar, tree
- Wild Beijing / Seeping Shanghai — delta, shanghai metrofields, the chinese dream, yangtze
- Courtyard Studios
- MØM - text outline
- D-Rail — artery, beijing, central, city levels, county-level cities, d-rail, deaf, hood, infrasprawl, infrastructure, interactive, mass-transit, new center, new city, peri-center, satellite city, subway, the chinese dream, town, travelator, video-installation
- Beijing Boom Tower — bbt, beijing, boom, exibition, guangzhou, interview bbt exhibition, tower
- GBD — 798, beijing, ecological, galleries, gao bei dian, gbd, green, old area, old area site map, program gbd, the chinese dream, urban planning
- Look Ma! No Hierarchy! — burb, hierarchy!, the chinese dream
- The Grey Zone — child:zero-city, sort:10
- 动态密度 — bubble block, bubble building, mall., shopping, space, the chinese builing, the chinese dream
- Book 1: The Chinese Dream — pancake, super satellites, the chinese dream, tongzhou
- Tianjin Green CBD
- BEIGE BEIJING — art district, ecological park, galleries, the chinese dream
- Resilient Pudong — beijing, child:zero-city, emergent, hyper density, organics, shuo, sort:80, wild
Beijing_REAL-TIME D_rail
hub pics
Boloni Hotel and FLagship Store
Boloni Hotel and Flagship Store - Outdoor theater
Crazy Stone - Pekin Fine Arts Gallery
Hua Hui Cube : a gift exchange Digital Guqin Museum structure Virtual World/Real World
Huahui magiccube House
Yuanmingyuan tandem Book Launch with Ma Yansong and Neville Mars
My Profile
Chinese high-speed rail maps
Seeding Cities
BEIJING_REAL-TIME interactive installation video compillation
Beijing Rising
Shaoguan: facing challenges brought by new high-speed rail
Summary English + Chinese
Policy Sprawl pics
Policy Sprawl
BARC old concepts Blurb
Beijing Boom Tower NEW PICS
wild beijing
wild beijing
evolution of the network of chinese - CLICK again to see the growth scenario from fortified, to sprawled back to compact.
DEAF 07 - REAL-TIME BEIJING installation
- MARS_URBN.pdf MARS Architects urban Portfolio (PDF / 10.92 MB) — mars, portfolio, urban
- test Shenzhen 10000 Flowers Installation (MOV / 6.54 MB) — 10000, flowers, installation, shenzhen, video
- 10000 Flowers - beijing kaleidoscope (MOV / 43.99 MB) — flowers, prism
- THE_X_FACTOR.pdf Bouwkunde TU Delft, Project X-factor (PDF / 9.34 MB) — bouwkunde, competition , delft, tu
- Poster2_S_.pdf Insert Introduction Poster Urban China 城市中国 (PDF / 1.36 MB) — pdf, urban china, 城市中国
- China_4_Trillion.pdf Urban China 城市中国 Full PDF (PDF / 78.11 MB) — pdf, urban china, 城市中国
- Poster1_S_.pdf Insert Introduction Poster Urban China 城市中国 (PDF / 4.62 MB) — pdf, urban china, 城市中国
- WATERCUBE_The_Book_press_release.pdf Press release WATERCUBE The Book (PDF / 488.13 KB) — architecture, beijing, book
- 建筑单体 (MOV / 21.07 MB) — 建筑单体
- ==new-beijing-logo.mpg New Beijing Crystal animation (MPG / 70.33 MB) — animation, beijing, crystal, movie
- Being_in_Beijing.mp3 audio notes on utopia (MP3 / 40.57 MB) — beijing, laurence, neville, notes, rong
- The D_rail is a high-speed travelator that you can enter at any point along its 64 KM long path around Beijing. This interactive installation shows DCF urban planning software used together with the D_rail. (MOV / 11.99 MB) — beijing, beijing_real-time, transport
- WEB20-DCF-sm.pdf DCF presentation WEB 2.0 and the Interactive City (PDF / 17.95 MB) — beijing, neville, orange, pdf, presentation, web 2.0
- 北京 (MOV / 23.62 MB) — 北京环路
- Hotel-sketches-01.pdf Boloni Hotel and Flaggship store PDF (PDF / 1.32 MB) — beijing, boloni, dcf, hotel, mars, neville, rendering, theater
- BEIJING_REAL-TIME interactive video installation (MOV / 10.53 MB) — beijing, deaf, installation, real, software, video
- BEIJING_REAL-TIME interactive installation video compillation (MOV / 24.68 MB) — beijing, deaf, installation, interactive, real-time, render, video
- a compilation of BEIJING_REAL-TIME interactive installation for DEAF07 (MOV / 28.06 MB) — beijing, deaf, installation, interactive, real-time, video
- FREEZE-lite.kmz Freeze on Google KMZ file (KMZ / 360.97 KB) — freeze, google
- Beijing_REAL-TIME.pdf D-rail / Beijing_REAL-TIME installation description (PDF / 664.04 KB) — beijing, d-rail, installation, real-time, video
- DCF_Studio_in_798.kml DCF, studio, 798, google (KML / 1.29 KB) — 798, dcf, google, studio
- PUC.kmz Google File of PUC (KMZ / 2.65 MB) — google, puc
- Bordeline-GE-BIG.kmz BIG Borderline Mobile Lab file for google earth (KMZ / 11.83 MB) — borderline, google, mobile lab
- GBD_2-3_green-wall.pdf GBD green wall pdf (PDF / 5.09 MB) — beijing, birds-eye, gbd, green wall, masterplan, pdf
- cunning-city-web.pdf cunning city booklet low resoltion (PDF / 15.14 MB) — cunning city, hk, hong kong, new york, ny, tokyo