Related to The Grey Zone
- Dynamic City Foundation — dcf, dynamic, neville
- Taobao / Urbanity Unhinged — child:zero-city, sort:40
- Utopian Cities 乌托邦城市 — 2020, citizenship, contradiction, famers, reforms, the chinese dream, urban
- DCF BLOG — article, blog, china, interview, people, work
- CLOUD CITY! — child:zero-city, sort:100
- PUC* — jin hu, north china plane, rural urban hybrid, saskia, splatter pattern, the chinese dream, urban village
- The New in New Town — child:zero-city, sort:160
- The Green Edge — child:zero-city, sort:30
- The Node — child:zero-city, sort:60
- Book: Zero City — forest, parent:zero-city, solar, tree
- Brain / Park — child:zero-city, sort:95
- Field Notes From the Frontlines — child:zero-city, sort:20
- Wild Beijing / Seeping Shanghai — delta, shanghai metrofields, the chinese dream, yangtze
- Desa Tumpuk — child:zero-city, sort:170
- PLAN B — bali, plan b
- An Unwanted City — child:zero-city, expo, research, shanghai, sort:120
- Perceived density — density, perceived, the chinese dream
- In / Formality — beijing, child:zero-city, homes, interior, photography, sort:70
- Urbanist's Kaleidoscope
- Resilient Pudong — beijing, child:zero-city, emergent, hyper density, organics, shuo, sort:80, wild
- Cities Without History — cities without history, eurostyle, gated, instant, new, newness
- The Field — aluminum skin, author cecilia linqvist, child:zero-city, chinese music, digital guqin museum, elegant gatherings yaji, guqin, huahui mobile music, library book qin , mobile music, shuengit, sort:65, swannjie, yaji
e-flyer Cunning City
浙江千岛湖悬园 Hanging garden, Qiandaohu, Zhejiang
Caofeidian 141 indicators
site simulation reload
AUDI - smart street and plasti city - BIG
basic typology approach dao fang
block X
Bubble Block pics
2nd added pics Bubble Block
Xiaoyuehe Green University Block Tsinghua Beijing
D-rail, render, street-perspective
Incentive Zoning + Transfer of development rights
Central Bundle Light
notes about sustainability
cloud city - helsinki
Emergent urbanism
city ranking, rating
1 hour city
sustainable city / gated communities 2
Assessment of Landfill Gas Potential: Chengdu City Landfill
CCEA, Liangjiang: growth pole and city logistic
- MARS_URBN.pdf MARS Architects urban Portfolio (PDF / 10.92 MB) — mars, portfolio, urban
- test Shenzhen 10000 Flowers Installation (MOV / 6.54 MB) — 10000, flowers, installation, shenzhen, video
- Poster2_S_.pdf Insert Introduction Poster Urban China 城市中国 (PDF / 1.36 MB) — pdf, urban china, 城市中国
- China_4_Trillion.pdf Urban China 城市中国 Full PDF (PDF / 78.11 MB) — pdf, urban china, 城市中国
- Poster1_S_.pdf Insert Introduction Poster Urban China 城市中国 (PDF / 4.62 MB) — pdf, urban china, 城市中国
- Kunshan_Hybrid.pdf Kunshan Industrial Hybrid (PDF / 7.48 MB) — hybrid, industrial, kunshan, sustainable
- 建筑单体 (MOV / 21.07 MB) — 建筑单体
- 北京 (MOV / 23.62 MB) — 北京环路
- DCF_Studio_in_798.kml DCF, studio, 798, google (KML / 1.29 KB) — 798, dcf, google, studio
- needed_buildings_per_flat_ring.kmz This is 10 stories buildings each ring can provide in 2020 (2D) (KMZ / 330.25 KB) — typology
- 10_storey_provided_buildings_flat_rings.kmz This is 10 stories buildings each ring can provide in 2020 (2D) (KMZ / 331.55 KB) — typology
- needed_buildings_3D_per_ring.kmz This is the 10 stories buildings needed per ring in 2020 (3D) (KMZ / 330.53 KB) — typology
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- population_density.xls population density Beijing (XLS / 55.00 KB) — beijing, density, population
- D-rail_population_and_density.xls population density Beijing (XLS / 17.00 KB) — beijing, density, population
- cunning-city-web.pdf cunning city booklet low resoltion (PDF / 15.14 MB) — cunning city, hk, hong kong, new york, ny, tokyo
- CunningCitySlideshow.swf cunning city slide show FULL version (SWF / 13.45 MB) — cunning city, hk, hong kong, new york, ny, tokyo
- cunning-click01.swf cunning city slide show FULL version (SWF / 24.32 MB) — cunning city, hk, hong kong, new york, ny, tokyo
- perceived_density-episode.pdf Perceived Density Draft PDF 1 (PDF / 975.00 KB) — density, feeling, formula, high-rise, perceived, puc, saskia