Desa Tumpuk


Can we ever truly design a city? Is the city our best invention, or the most temperamental byproduct of human existence?

With this question in mind, we've developed an urban system for Nuanu City in Bali, that can grow organically. Desa Tumpuk or 'stacked village', is a modular design and construction system using carbon negative Ecocrete as its building material.

Rather than designing a formal layout, Desa Tumpuk is conceived from the interior. Starting with the home as the smallest unit, which in Balinese traditional extends out into the garden as the most important and most comfortable part of the house.

The residential units are stacked into small stacked neighbourhoods, which in turn cluster together into an urban fabric that expands flexibly responding to its surroundings. This process creates an meandering urban fabric of intimate and well-shaded alleyways. Larger public spaces are nestles in between on terraces and all along the ground floor storefront retail makes for a communal, walkable environment.

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