Related to THE NODE
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- The New in New Town — child:zero-city, sort:160
- Urbanist's Kaleidoscope
- The Field — aluminum skin, author cecilia linqvist, child:zero-city, chinese music, digital guqin museum, elegant gatherings yaji, guqin, huahui mobile music, library book qin , mobile music, shuengit, sort:65, swannjie, yaji
- An Unwanted City — child:zero-city, expo, research, shanghai, sort:120
- Cities Without History — cities without history, eurostyle, gated, instant, new, newness
- Field Notes From the Frontlines — child:zero-city, sort:20
- The Green Edge — child:zero-city, sort:30
- ON BURB TV — animation, burb tv, clips, movies, the chinese dream, tv
- Dynamic City Foundation — dcf, dynamic, neville
- Book: Zero City — forest, parent:zero-city, solar, tree
- The Tianjin Towers
- Brain / Park — child:zero-city, sort:95
- Testing typologies — hutong, interview, l-building, loft, the chinese drean
- Desa Tumpuk — child:zero-city, sort:170
- In / Formality — beijing, child:zero-city, homes, interior, photography, sort:70
- Taobao / Urbanity Unhinged — child:zero-city, sort:40
- D-Rail — artery, beijing, central, city levels, county-level cities, d-rail, deaf, hood, infrasprawl, infrastructure, interactive, mass-transit, new center, new city, peri-center, satellite city, subway, the chinese dream, town, travelator, video-installation
- Image HUB — hub, image, the chinese dream
- Lockdown 封闭 — commuinty, hutong, lock down, residential, the chinese dream
- Wild Beijing / Seeping Shanghai — delta, shanghai metrofields, the chinese dream, yangtze
- City As Relay — child:zero-city, crystal, design, sort:50, strategy
e-flyer Cunning City
浙江千岛湖悬园 Hanging garden, Qiandaohu, Zhejiang
Caofeidian 141 indicators
site simulation reload
Summation concepts in Sketchbook
chinese city
CO2 emission per inhabitant - Chinese city on top
For the mayors
summary CV neville
Press Release English + Chinese Caofeidian Genetic City Exhibition + Forum
NDRC_2011_Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Area (CCEA) Regional Planning
Qiu Baoxing On Low-Carbon Eco-city developments in China
on ranking
The cities of tomorrow: the European cities today? an analysis to Qiu Baoxing's June 27 presentation
Chinese urbanization bottlenecks_in sight of OECD and McKinsey
城市竞争力蓝皮书:中国城市竞争力报告No.9(2011版) (City Competitiveness Blue Book Np.o.9 2011)
Eco city assessment
on Ranking
City categorization methodology_OECD and McKinsey examples
Self-organizing cities and micro-urban functions
new pics6
- Poster2_S_.pdf Insert Introduction Poster Urban China 城市中国 (PDF / 1.36 MB) — pdf, urban china, 城市中国
- China_4_Trillion.pdf Urban China 城市中国 Full PDF (PDF / 78.11 MB) — pdf, urban china, 城市中国
- Poster1_S_.pdf Insert Introduction Poster Urban China 城市中国 (PDF / 4.62 MB) — pdf, urban china, 城市中国
- 建筑单体 (MOV / 21.07 MB) — 建筑单体
- 北京 (MOV / 23.62 MB) — 北京环路
- DCF_Studio_in_798.kml DCF, studio, 798, google (KML / 1.29 KB) — 798, dcf, google, studio
- Beijing_Satellites-population.kml Beijing Satellites Official population for 2020 (KML / 48.79 KB) — 2020, beijing, official plan, satellites
- Beijing_Satellites.kmz Beijing Satellites Official plan for 2020 (KMZ / 15.85 KB) — 2020, beijing, official plan, satellites