Related to User:BYPASS
- An Unwanted City — child:zero-city, expo, research, shanghai, sort:120
- PUC* — jin hu, north china plane, rural urban hybrid, saskia, splatter pattern, the chinese dream, urban village
- Dynamic City Foundation — dcf, dynamic, neville
- The Green Edge — child:zero-city, sort:30
- Cities Without History — cities without history, eurostyle, gated, instant, new, newness
- Book: Zero City — forest, parent:zero-city, solar, tree
- Field Notes From the Frontlines — child:zero-city, sort:20
- Urbanist's Kaleidoscope
- City As Relay — child:zero-city, crystal, design, sort:50, strategy
- ON BURB TV — animation, burb tv, clips, movies, the chinese dream, tv
- OUR STUDIO GALLERY — landscape
- Arts Center Taipei — taipei performing arts center intermational competition theater neville mars design building
- In / Formality — beijing, child:zero-city, homes, interior, photography, sort:70
- Sino-Dutch Ecocity — child:zero-city, shanghai exhibition railway exposition, sort:75
- FREEZE 須彌山 — architecture, art, beijing, censorship, crystal, freedom, freeze, ice, installation, millennium, model, video
- Testing typologies — hutong, interview, l-building, loft, the chinese drean
- The Grey Zone — child:zero-city, sort:10
- GBD — 798, beijing, ecological, galleries, gao bei dian, gbd, green, old area, old area site map, program gbd, the chinese dream, urban planning
- Beijing Boom Tower — bbt, beijing, boom, exibition, guangzhou, interview bbt exhibition, tower
- Tianjin Green CBD
- Book 1: The Chinese Dream — pancake, super satellites, the chinese dream, tongzhou
浙江千岛湖悬园 Hanging garden, Qiandaohu, Zhejiang
DCC rendering Installation details
Qiu Baoxing On Low-Carbon Eco-city developments in China
For the mayors
The Urbanization Policy Change and Its Raminifications to Urban Landscape
The Urbanization Policy Change and Its Raminifications to Urban Landscape
My Profile
Supersatellites outline
BARC old concepts Blurb
Concept Boxes and Asides for Chapter 1
General intro / draft column Stadsleven
diverse centers richer
Self-organizing cities and micro-urban functions
Update for 17 March - Jess
Executive Brief
PROGRAM SZHK Biennale 2009
The benefits of agglomeration—the pro-pancake proof from World Bank
Example and theory and cloud computing in the city
slide share presentation on emergent cities
- MARS_ARCH_2013_COMPRESSED.pdf ARCHITECTURE PROJECTS SELECTION - COMPRESSED (PDF / 32.84 MB) — arch, architecture , portfolio
- MARS_URBN.pdf MARS Architects urban Portfolio (PDF / 10.92 MB) — mars, portfolio, urban
- MONICA_00.pdf monica outline sustainability (PDF / 5.35 MB) — green, monica, sustainable
- WATERCUBE_The_Book_press_release.pdf Press release WATERCUBE The Book (PDF / 488.13 KB) — architecture, beijing, book
- Being_in_Beijing.mp3 audio notes on utopia (MP3 / 40.57 MB) — beijing, laurence, neville, notes, rong
- SHENZHEN DREAM WALL compilation (MOV / 44.30 MB) — biennial, installation, neon, neville, shenzhen, the chinese dream
- WEB20-DCF-sm.pdf DCF presentation WEB 2.0 and the Interactive City (PDF / 17.95 MB) — beijing, neville, orange, pdf, presentation, web 2.0
- Hotel-sketches-01.pdf Boloni Hotel and Flaggship store PDF (PDF / 1.32 MB) — beijing, boloni, dcf, hotel, mars, neville, rendering, theater
- china skin color division (AI / 97.42 KB) — china, division, percentage, skin color
- abstract movie on the increasing pace of life in the city, the drawbacks, the excitement. (MOV / 224.56 MB) — abstract movie, fons schiedon, hong kong, neville, reflection
- L-building.pdf stacked courtyard green apartment building - 4 spreads basic feautures file (PDF / 1.59 MB) — beijing, courtyard, gao bei dian, gardens, gbd, green, green edge, l, l-building, neville mars, stacked hutong, studios, terraces
- design of a sustainable stacked courtyard apartment building - part of the GBD movie ! (MOV / 6.18 MB) — beijing, courtyard, gao bei dian, gardens, gbd, green, green edge, l, l-building, neville mars, stacked hutong, studios, terraces