Related to An Unwanted City
- CLOUD CITY! — child:zero-city, sort:100
- Utopian Cities 乌托邦城市 — 2020, citizenship, contradiction, famers, reforms, the chinese dream, urban
- Dynamic City Foundation — dcf, dynamic, neville
- Brain / Park — child:zero-city, sort:95
- OUR STUDIO GALLERY — landscape
- The Node — child:zero-city, sort:60
- ON BURB TV — animation, burb tv, clips, movies, the chinese dream, tv
- Republic of Change / a dialogue — change, creative, creative industries, industry, interview, the chinese dream
- Cities Without History — cities without history, eurostyle, gated, instant, new, newness
- Wild Beijing / Seeping Shanghai — delta, shanghai metrofields, the chinese dream, yangtze
- Tianjin Green CBD
- Testing typologies — hutong, interview, l-building, loft, the chinese drean
- Arts Center Taipei — taipei performing arts center intermational competition theater neville mars design building
- PLAN B — bali, plan b
- Image HUB — hub, image, the chinese dream
- City As Relay — child:zero-city, crystal, design, sort:50, strategy
- Book: Zero City — forest, parent:zero-city, solar, tree
- GBD — 798, beijing, ecological, galleries, gao bei dian, gbd, green, old area, old area site map, program gbd, the chinese dream, urban planning
- BEIGE BEIJING — art district, ecological park, galleries, the chinese dream
- D-Rail — artery, beijing, central, city levels, county-level cities, d-rail, deaf, hood, infrasprawl, infrastructure, interactive, mass-transit, new center, new city, peri-center, satellite city, subway, the chinese dream, town, travelator, video-installation
- Lockdown 封闭 — commuinty, hutong, lock down, residential, the chinese dream
- The New in New Town — child:zero-city, sort:160
- Resilient Pudong — beijing, child:zero-city, emergent, hyper density, organics, shuo, sort:80, wild
- Book 1: The Chinese Dream — pancake, super satellites, the chinese dream, tongzhou
e-flyer Cunning City
浙江千岛湖悬园 Hanging garden, Qiandaohu, Zhejiang
Caofeidian 141 indicators
DCC rendering Installation details
site simulation reload
Installation and model shots Genetic City DCC Shanghai Expo
Installation and model shots Genetic City DCC Shanghai Expo
BARC Sketches DCC Shanghai World Expo Installation
Genetic City Installation DCC World Expo, DCF / Neville Mars
For the mayors
-Railway Expo
Railway Expo
Railway Expo
Railway Expo
Railway Expo
Railway Expo
Railway Expo
Thoughts on how to get from seeds to evolutionary planning
TEDx Shanghai talk NEVILLE MARS
Shanghai Metrofields
- test Shenzhen 10000 Flowers Installation (MOV / 6.54 MB) — 10000, flowers, installation, shenzhen, video
- Poster2_S_.pdf Insert Introduction Poster Urban China 城市中国 (PDF / 1.36 MB) — pdf, urban china, 城市中国
- China_4_Trillion.pdf Urban China 城市中国 Full PDF (PDF / 78.11 MB) — pdf, urban china, 城市中国
- Poster1_S_.pdf Insert Introduction Poster Urban China 城市中国 (PDF / 4.62 MB) — pdf, urban china, 城市中国
- 建筑单体 (MOV / 21.07 MB) — 建筑单体
- 北京 (MOV / 23.62 MB) — 北京环路
- creating_a_memory_abhi.pdf creating a memory (PDF / 42.25 KB) — reserch
- china skin color division (AI / 97.42 KB) — china, division, percentage, skin color
- DCF_Studio_in_798.kml DCF, studio, 798, google (KML / 1.29 KB) — 798, dcf, google, studio
- Beijing_Satellites-population.kml Beijing Satellites Official population for 2020 (KML / 48.79 KB) — 2020, beijing, official plan, satellites
- Beijing_Satellites.kmz Beijing Satellites Official plan for 2020 (KMZ / 15.85 KB) — 2020, beijing, official plan, satellites