Related to FREEZE 須彌山
- ON BURB TV — animation, burb tv, clips, movies, the chinese dream, tv
- Dynamic Density — agonistic space, beijing, dd, density, dynamic, infra-sprawl, mono-sprawl, networked, speed sprawl, the chinese dream, trans-sprawl, urban
- City As Relay — child:zero-city, crystal, design, sort:50, strategy
- Urban China Magazine — beijing, child:zero-city, magazine, social, sort:110, urban china
- Urbanist's Kaleidoscope
- The Field — aluminum skin, author cecilia linqvist, child:zero-city, chinese music, digital guqin museum, elegant gatherings yaji, guqin, huahui mobile music, library book qin , mobile music, shuengit, sort:65, swannjie, yaji
- Dynamic City Foundation — dcf, dynamic, neville
- The Node — child:zero-city, sort:60
- OUR STUDIO GALLERY — landscape
- Beijing Boom Tower — bbt, beijing, boom, exibition, guangzhou, interview bbt exhibition, tower
- Brain / Park — child:zero-city, sort:95
- Book: Zero City — forest, parent:zero-city, solar, tree
- Image HUB — hub, image, the chinese dream
- Tianjin Green CBD
- D-Rail — artery, beijing, central, city levels, county-level cities, d-rail, deaf, hood, infrasprawl, infrastructure, interactive, mass-transit, new center, new city, peri-center, satellite city, subway, the chinese dream, town, travelator, video-installation
- Field Notes From the Frontlines — child:zero-city, sort:10
- BURB MAGAZINE — burb 2020, the chinese dream
- Cities Without History — cities without history, eurostyle, gated, instant, new, newness
- Republic of Change / a dialogue — change, creative, creative industries, industry, interview, the chinese dream
- Lockdown 封闭 — commuinty, hutong, lock down, residential, the chinese dream
- Testing typologies — hutong, interview, l-building, loft, the chinese drean
- Courtyard Studios
- Whispers of creativity — air
Crazy Stone - Pekin Fine Arts Gallery
Hua Hui Cube : a gift exchange Digital Guqin Museum structure Virtual World/Real World
Neon Dream Wall
Shenzhen Architectural Biennial Installation - Inside
freeze clip
video kaleidoscope first model
Cynical advertising
BEIJING_REAL-TIME interactive video installation
video small MVRDV, MAD, Powerhouse, MARS-1
Video Trailer Caofeidian Genetic City
Shenzhen 10000 Flowers video wall collage
Shenzhen 10000 Flowers video wall collage
Summary English + Chinese
BEIJING_REAL-TIME interactive installation video compillation
TEDx Shanghai talk NEVILLE MARS
Wuhan Lab
summary CV neville
Current Attempts at entirely Green Cities.
Executive Brief
BARC old concepts Blurb
Team List BARC
notes about sustainability
- MARS_ARCH_2013_COMPRESSED.pdf ARCHITECTURE PROJECTS SELECTION - COMPRESSED (PDF / 32.84 MB) — arch, architecture , portfolio
- 05BAU_web.mp4 BAU - Caofeidian Genetic City 2022-2024 (MP4 / 15.02 MB) — video
- 04UrbanChina_web.mp4 Urban China - Caofeidian Genetic City 2019-2021 (MP4 / 18.04 MB) — video
- 06Urbanus_web.mp4 URBANUS - Caofeidian Genetic City 2025-2027 (MP4 / 29.93 MB) — video
- 08Powerhouse_web.mp4 Powerhouse Co. - Caofeidian Genetic City 2031-2033 (MP4 / 24.45 MB) — video
- 07DCF_web.mp4 MARS-1 for Caofeidian Genetic City 2028-2030 (MP4 / 49.05 MB) — video
- 10MVRDV_web.mp4 MVRDV - Caofeidian Genetic City 2037-2040 (MP4 / 20.99 MB) — video
- URBANUS - Caofeidian Genetic City 2025-2027 (MOV / 98.63 MB) — assignment, cfd, relay, video
- MAD - Caofeidian Genetic City 2034-2036 (MOV / 88.84 MB) — assignment, cfd, relay, video
- ZUS - Caofeidian Genetic City 2016-2018 (MOV / 95.40 MB) — assignment, cfd, relay, video
- MVRDV - Caofeidian Genetic City 2037-2040 (MOV / 70.80 MB) — assignment, cfd, relay, video
- Powerhouse Co. - Caofeidian Genetic City 2031-2033 (MOV / 82.15 MB) — assignment, cfd, relay, video
- Rocksteady animation Caofeidian Genetic City 2013-2015 (MOV / 62.93 MB) — assignment, cfd, relay, video
- Tsinghua animation Caofeidian Genetic City 2010-2012 (MOV / 81.74 MB) — assignment, cfd, relay, tsinghua, video
- Video Trailer Caofeidian Genetic City (MOV / 34.01 MB) — assignment, cfd, pdf, relay, video
- test Shenzhen 10000 Flowers Installation (MOV / 6.54 MB) — 10000, flowers, installation, shenzhen, video
- WATERCUBE_The_Book_press_release.pdf Press release WATERCUBE The Book (PDF / 488.13 KB) — architecture, beijing, book
- lixin-flag.tif flag towering china domino installation (TIF / 52.06 MB) — domino, flag, installation, towering china
- ==new-beijing-logo.mpg New Beijing Crystal animation (MPG / 70.33 MB) — animation, beijing, crystal, movie
- Being_in_Beijing.mp3 audio notes on utopia (MP3 / 40.57 MB) — beijing, laurence, neville, notes, rong
- The D_rail is a high-speed travelator that you can enter at any point along its 64 KM long path around Beijing. This interactive installation shows DCF urban planning software used together with the D_rail. (MOV / 11.99 MB) — beijing, beijing_real-time, transport
- SHENZHEN DREAM WALL compilation (MOV / 44.30 MB) — biennial, installation, neon, neville, shenzhen, the chinese dream
- WEB20-DCF-sm.pdf DCF presentation WEB 2.0 and the Interactive City (PDF / 17.95 MB) — beijing, neville, orange, pdf, presentation, web 2.0
- Hotel-sketches-01.pdf Boloni Hotel and Flaggship store PDF (PDF / 1.32 MB) — beijing, boloni, dcf, hotel, mars, neville, rendering, theater
- DCF-Shenzhen.pdf Shenzhen installation proposal PDF (PDF / 4.97 MB) — installation, shenzhen, sketch