Related to Dynamic City Foundation
- OUR STUDIO GALLERY — landscape
- Arts Center Taipei — taipei performing arts center intermational competition theater neville mars design building
- Book: Zero City — forest, parent:zero-city, solar, tree
- The Grey Zone — child:zero-city, sort:10, sort:20
- The Tianjin Towers
- Look Ma! No Hierarchy! — burb, hierarchy!, the chinese dream
- Courtyard Studios
- Field Notes From the Frontlines — child:zero-city, sort:10
- Urbanist's Kaleidoscope
- ON BURB TV — animation, burb tv, clips, movies, the chinese dream, tv
- PUC* — jin hu, north china plane, rural urban hybrid, saskia, splatter pattern, the chinese dream, urban village
- Perceived density — density, perceived, the chinese dream
- FREEZE 須彌山 — architecture, art, beijing, censorship, crystal, freedom, freeze, ice, installation, millennium, model, video
- The Node — child:zero-city, sort:60
- Sino-Dutch Ecocity — child:zero-city, shanghai exhibition railway exposition, sort:75
- City As Relay — child:zero-city, crystal, design, sort:50, strategy
- BARC Furniture — furnitures
- The Retail Bubble — notes, quotes, the chinese dream
- Image HUB — hub, image, the chinese dream
- Tianjin Green CBD
- Book 1: The Chinese Dream — pancake, super satellites, the chinese dream, tongzhou
- D-Rail — artery, beijing, central, city levels, county-level cities, d-rail, deaf, hood, infrasprawl, infrastructure, interactive, mass-transit, new center, new city, peri-center, satellite city, subway, the chinese dream, town, travelator, video-installation
- GBD — 798, beijing, ecological, galleries, gao bei dian, gbd, green, old area, old area site map, program gbd, the chinese dream, urban planning
Boloni Hotel and FLagship Store
Boloni Hotel and Flagship Store - Outdoor theater
DCC rendering Installation details
Summary English + Chinese
neville - red star
neville mars
Neville PIC BIG
neville Mars / DCF Portfolio
dynamic density
Dynamic Density
Dynamic Density
Dynamic Density
Dynamic Density
Dynamic Density
Dynamic Density
Dynamic Density new pics
Dynamic Density pics
yellow dynamic facade
nev second picture
neville Mind the Gap Big
guggenheim blurb
- solar forest small (MOV / 21.34 MB) — clip, dcf, movie, small, solar forest
- Being_in_Beijing.mp3 audio notes on utopia (MP3 / 40.57 MB) — beijing, laurence, neville, notes, rong
- SHENZHEN DREAM WALL compilation (MOV / 44.30 MB) — biennial, installation, neon, neville, shenzhen, the chinese dream
- WEB20-DCF-sm.pdf DCF presentation WEB 2.0 and the Interactive City (PDF / 17.95 MB) — beijing, neville, orange, pdf, presentation, web 2.0
- Hotel-sketches-01.pdf Boloni Hotel and Flaggship store PDF (PDF / 1.32 MB) — beijing, boloni, dcf, hotel, mars, neville, rendering, theater
- DCF_Studio_in_798.kml DCF, studio, 798, google (KML / 1.29 KB) — 798, dcf, google, studio
- abstract movie on the increasing pace of life in the city, the drawbacks, the excitement. (MOV / 224.56 MB) — abstract movie, fons schiedon, hong kong, neville, reflection