Current Attempts at entirely Green Cities.

Current Attempts at entirely Green Cities.

Abu Dhabi –Masdar City
Designer: Foster + Partners

for promotional video check out ////Green Ideas.

  • __ -entirely pedestrian
  • __-city is designed around local climate and cultural traditions (solar movements and prevailing winds)
  • __-Relationship between buildings will consider shading for cooling.
  • __-wastewater is purified and recycled back into the cities water system.
  • __-powered largely by solar and biofules.
  • __-residents travel around on lightweight pods (look like small lrt)
  • __-water source- comes from clean and efficient solar desalinization plant
  • __-Entire city and construction of the city is powered by powered by a photovoltaic plant
  • __-uses 200m max distance to transport as guiding rule

Extra design features.

  • __-uses a wall layout, drawing from traditional urban history.
  • __-buildings no taller than 5 stories.

China, -Dongtan
Designer : Arup

Article ////Green ideas.

  • __-Entirely pedestrian
  • __-work with existing water systems in the landscape, clean it to support life in the city.
  • __-Community waste management –recycling –aimed at managing 90% of all waste within the city
  • __-combined heat and power systems. (saves energy)
  • __-aim to offset all emissions by air travel. (of construction an crew throughout all phases of the projects development.)
  • __-implement a network of high tech organic farms.
  • __-bans any C02 emitting vehicle
  • __-density study –based on transport efficiency –calculate ideal densities are that of 50persons/acre (Stockholm)
  • __-work with existing geology –not much solid land therefore reduce building heights.
  • __-use ideas of Chinese fishing villages to create a complete water system. –designed canals which filter into wetlands, -designed to withstand a 1000 year flood.
  • __-co-ordinate green energy sources. –power plant – incinerator –which uses local waste (rice husks). Heat from burning husks > pushes steam turbine > generate electricity.
  • __-to make the plant the most efficient -build this energy plant in centre of town
  • __-hollow out nearby hill and make them massive plant factories (with solar lighting (LED) inside –has been proven to yield 6 times as much produce as conventional farming.
  • __-Manage twin water networks in the city (grey water (toilet and farming) and potable water)
  • __-transport/cargo trucks are forced to park at consolidation warehouses and transfer goes to zero emissions trucks.
  • __-all waste is either recycled or gasified for energy – restrictions on how much waste can be sent to landfill, no more than 10%
  • __-plan landscaping to persuade the client to twist city grid slightly away from NS axis.
  • __-idea to place energy meters in very obvious locations
  • __-energy is relatively very affordable up to a certain limit, while the price spikes and it suddenly becomes much more expensive. (patrons can be notified my SMS after their energy is about to hit the critical point)
  • __-Expensive large sale energy plant will be produced, initially and to help offset costs excess electricity can be sold into the existing shanghai power grid.

Posted by Dave Harlander / 16.8 years ago / 23706 hits
