Update for 17 March - Jess

Hi Neville and Bond,
I've begun notes under the headings listed below. These are just rough notes for now with headings. Next week I'll aim to integrate them more into the outline.
Please let me know if there's anything in particular you want me to look at, otherwise I'll continue with my general research and policy focus for now.
I've also attached some documents that I haven't yet had a chance to read that relate to eco-cities. I'll read them and complete notes on those next week but I thought you might like to have a look.

China: Institutional Context for Eco-Cities

relevant for questions of accountability; regulations; opportunities; top-down approach vs. bottom-up; local governments/municipalities; international cooperation

China Critical Issues

Includes information on land and spatial development; resources and pollution esp energy and water; Labor and Skill; Funding

Eco-City Notes

Definitions of eco-city; Typology of Eco-city initiatives from (Joss, 2011); Governance issues; collaboration and context; sino-dutch eco-city (Shenzen); sino-singapore eco-city (Tianjin); strategic vision


de Jong, M., Wang, D., & Yu, C. (2013). Exploring the Relevance of the Eco-City Concept in China: The Case of Shenzhen Sino-Dutch Low Carbon City. Journal of Urban Technology, 20(1), 95-113. doi: 10.1080/10630732.2012.756202

Hung Lo, C. W., To Yip, P. K., & Cheung, K. C. (2000). The regulatory style of environmental governance in China: the case of EIA regulation in Shanghai*. Public Administration and Development, 20(4), 305-318. doi: 10.1002/1099-162x(200010)20:4<305::aid-pad128>3.0.co;2-i

Joss, S. (2011). Eco-cities: the mainstreaming of urban sustainability; key characteristics and driving factors. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 6(3), 268-285.

Low, S. P., Liu, J. Y., & Wu, P. (2009). Sustainable facilities: Institutional compliance and the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city Project. Facilities, 27(9/10), 368-386. doi: 10.1108/02632770910969612

Ploberger, C. (2011). Local solutions as an element in China’s strategy for sustainability? Local Economy, 26(5), 439-446. doi: 10.1177/0269094211409321

To look at Next week

Chang, I. C. C., & Sheppard, E. (2013). China's Eco-Cities as Variegated1 Urban Sustainability: Dongtan Eco-City and Chongming Eco-Island. Journal of Urban Technology, 20(1), 57-75. doi: 10.1080/10630732.2012.735104

Held, M. (2009). Sustainable Urban Development and the Chinese Eco-City: Concepts, Strategies, Policies and Assessments (pp. 84): Fridtjof Nansen Institute.

Simon Joss & Arthur P. Molella (2013): The Eco-City as Urban Technology:
Perspectives on Caofeidian International Eco-City (China), Journal of Urban Technology, 20:1,


Posted by Jessica Noyes / 11.9 years ago / 9875 hits
