The scrapbook is your personal holding place for images and files. Wherever you see images or files on this website there will also be a small [+] link when you roll your cursor over the image. Click this [+] link to add the file to your scrapbook. The files added to your scrapbook will remain there until you remove them.
Collect and repost
You can gather up some files, and collectively send them to a node.
- On your scrapbook page, click the send to node link at the top of the screen.
- You will go to the contribute form, with your files and images preselected as part of the contribution.
- Enter the full title of the node you are sending these to. Include the namespace if necessary.
- Enter a title for your entry.
- Optionally enter some content to post along with the files.
- Optionally attach additional files to upload along with the preselected files.
- Submit!
The files will be posted as a new datalog entry to the node you specified. This is a great way to send a bunch of files to another user by sending to their user node.
Removing scrapbook files
To delete one file, click the [-] link next to the image or filename.
To delete all files in your scrapbook, click remove all at the top of the screen.
Owned by Quinn Comendant / Added by Quinn Comendant / 18.6 years ago / 8479 hits / 3 minutes view time
Login to post an entry to this node.