Alibaba's report on the current state and future of Taobao Villages in Zhejiang Province (released on June 16th, 2015)

According to the Nation-wide Taobao Village Report (2014) by Ali Research, Zhejiang Province has the highest number of Taobao villages out of all provinces in China - a total of 62 Taobao villages. It is also the province with the highest number of Taobao towns (6).

On June 16th, Alibaba released another report, specifically focusing on the current state and future of Zhejiang's Taobao villages. Here is a summary of some new statistics

1. The Number of Taobao villages in each city:

嘉兴 Jiaxing - 13
台州 Taizhou -13
金华 Jinhua - 10
温州 Wenzhou - 9
丽水 Lishui - 5
杭州 Hangzhou - 5
湖州 Huzhou - 3
宁波 Ningbo - 3
绍兴 Shaoxing - 1

2. Top 10 Taobao villages (ranked by the number of active Taobao stores)

1. 青岩柳村,义乌 - 2800
2. 西古村,义乌 - 860
3. 夹屿村,温岭 - 740
4. 下湾村,义乌 - 500
5. 楼下张村,温岭 - 480
6. 牧屿村,温岭 - 470
7. 大河村,吴兴 - 400
8. 新屋村,义乌 - 390
9. 前陈村,温岭 - 380
10. 梅岙村,永嘉 - 360

3. Top 10 Taobao villages (ranked by sum of transaction)
1. 青岩柳村,义乌
2. 黄梁陈村,仙居
3. 白牛村,临安
4. 三联村,海宁
5. 夹屿村,温岭
6. 下里溪村,永康
7. 南秦村,龙泉
8. 横村,桐庐
9. 北山村,缙云

4. Top 5 Merchandise categories
1. Clothing
2. Furniture
3. Shoes
4. Toys
5. Automobile appliances

5. Most Taobao villages in Zhejiang are born out of 传统产业转型 (The Transformation of Conventional Industries)
-From offline to online
-Internet + Industry agglomeration

6. The future of Taobao village development in Zhejiang

1). Potential Taobao villages

62 Taobao villages are not all that Zhejiang has got. There are also 395 POTENTIAL Taobao Villages - villages whose annual revenues are over 1 million each. Here is the "pyramid":

62 Taobao villages - >10 millions annual revenue
110 1-tier Potential TBV - 5 -9.99 millions
285 2-tier Potential TBV - 1-4.99 millions


2) Ali's estimation: >250 Taobao Villages IN ZHEJIANG by the end of 2015, since there are 247 villages who seasonal revenue (calculated by GMV) are over 2.5 million.
In 2015, About 40 TBVs' annual revenue will be over 40 millions.

Posted by Alvin Li / 9.6 years ago / 5393 hits
