Taobao’s Rural Village Development Strategy (related to Qian Xian Wan Cun Plan)

According to 金建杭(Jin Jianhang), the CEO of Alibaba, the group will focus its future development on agriculture-related E-commerce, mass data business, and cross-border E-commerce, while agriculture-related E-Commerce will be their central focus in the next few years.

4 main points in Alibaba’s upcoming work on rural villages (according to 张勇(Zhang Yong), the COO of Alibaba):

Investment Base (投资基础): to establish operational systems in counties and villages, reinforce logistics, and build infrastructure
Ecological Invigoration (激活生态): to train more buyers, sellers, and service providers, and cultivate talent
Innovate purchasing agency service, rural finance, O2O E-Commerce, etc.
Value creation (创造价值): To help raise rural inhabitants’- especially farmers’ - average income, increase employment rate, and realize new mode of urbanization


1. 张东亚 ,“阿里下注100亿布局农村电商 张勇解读农村发展战略”,“凤凰网科技”,转载自“中国企业家网”,2014年10月16日,

Posted by Alvin Li / 9.5 years ago / 4360 hits
