Concept Boxes and Asides for Chapter 1

1.    Boomburbs and the emergence of Jing Hu/ How plans for 400 cities x 1 mil pax became 1 city x 400 mil pax
The way the concept relates to the problem:

===Copy/Paste Planning===
====Definition: the streamlined urban design process used today in China that is only capable of replicating the mistakes and intensifying the ecological problems associated with current development patterns.====
Central contradiction with ecocity development: Copy/paste planning lacks the flexibility that will be fundamental to ensuring that cities are responsive to their rapidly changing contexts and set of exigencies
The copy/paste planning of China’s new cities has facilitated the rapid and 
Designed and built overnight, China’s new cities are outdated just as quickly.  This is because they are unadaptable.  The stickiness/fixity of the built form make upgrading a slow process
Koolhaas’ Generic City: stands for sprawl, same-ness, repetition: it is a city without history created on a plane, a surface.  
Produce an alienating environment for people to live in…
As a result many ecocities are hardly site or culturally specific, and even the livability of their environments seems very questionable

===5000 years of seeding cities===
====Definition: history of theory and practice of seeding cities… ====
The way the concept relates to the problem:

===Vacuum-Planning (possibly something snappier?)===
====Definition:  Planning new towns without considering how to integrate them with the wider urban network while ====
Central contradiction with ecocity development: the Chinese context denies even a central government as powerful as China’s
===Urban Stickiness===
Definition: the difficulty of changing the built environment once it is established and occupied. [Illustrates the inherently political nature of planning and decisions regarding change?]
The way the concept relates to the problem: We must find a way plan for change – a way to make mistakes in the built environment that are not so hard to undo.

===Urban Stickiness Paradox===
Definition: The relative lack of social opposition in greenfields makes them more attractive to investors and governments to build on which leads the expansion of the surface area of sticky urban areas 
The way the concept relates to the problem: we cannot keep expanding ad infinitum – at some point hard political and social questions are going to be asked.  It is better to ask them now because they only get harder to answer as the sticky surface expands.
===table from (Zhou, He et al. 2012) p.5 of pdf that traces the  theories behind ecocities in china===
====Definition: ====
The way the concept relates to the problem:

===brownfields and black rivers===
====Definition: ====
The way the concept relates to the problem: the need for ecocities to contribute to remediation of the existing environment

Posted by Jessica Noyes / 11.5 years ago / 8918 hits
