Hail and ride - Demande Responsive Transport
DRT employs flexible routes and schedules and departure and arrival points are not necessarily fixed
Vehicles used for DRT services will generally be small minibuses, reflecting the low ridership, but also allowing the service to provided as near a door to door service as practical, by being able to use residential streets.
Hail and Ride, HK minibuses
The Hail and Ride may be appropriate to retain ‘Hail & Ride’operation
-on lightly used services;
-on routes where passenger demand is very scattered;
-where local conditions make installation of bus stops difficult (i.e. narrow pavements).
Rural and semi rural areas: DRT goes from strength to strength
Improving mobility conditions is a major issue in sparsely populated areas. The low population density in these localities often means that longer journeys are required to access services, carry out everyday activities or maintain social links. Demand-responsive transport (DRT) can provide a solution that is particularly suited to these areas, thanks to its flexibility, its ability to adapt to local contexts, and the fact that costs can, to some extent, be controlled.”