fractal approach .. downloads

Fractal based planning solutions

PHASE 1 - (Fig 1)
A community gathers around a selected centre.
This centre is developed to provide facilities appropriate to the number of people it serves.
PHASE 2 - (Fig 2)
The population of this community grows, adding new layers of settlement around the existing
This centre must now be redeveloped, with existing infrastructure being removed to allow for the
provision of new and expanded facilities required by the rising population.
Simultaneously, increasing volumes of people from the newly developed outlying areas require
access to the centre, necessitating the provision of new transit routes passing through the
intermediary zones of settlement.
This destructive process of redevelopment disrupts the coherence of the established community,
whilst the presence of existing layers of urban fabric interferes with the proper planning of new
faciliaties and infrastructure.
The settlement continues to expand around a static centre.
The pattern of dysfunctionality inexorably follows, growing outward from the centre to affect all
but the outlying extremes of the city.
The result is a shell of isolated suburbs, appendages to the incoherent mass of the city, which
will in turn be absorbed with the next wave of dysfunctional expansion.

Posted by neville mars / 13.6 years ago / 5249 hits
