National Planning of Main Functional Areas_State Council 2010 (national land use planning maps)

NPMFA, State Council 2010,

The“National Planning of Main Functional Areas” (abbreviated as NPoMFA, published by State Council, 2010, No.46) is a long-term (2010-2020) national land strategic planning sited on the highest hierarchy of all spatial planning. NPoMFA has explicated financial arrangement and intergovernmental coordination for realising its goal. It contains three systems of categories:

I By development mode: prioritised construction area, key construction area, construction restricted area and construction forbidden area
II By land use type: urbanisation area, agri production area, and key ecological functioning area
III By MFA administration level: national level and province/municipality level

Construction Control Goal 2008 2020
Construction Intensity (%) 3.48 3.91
Urban Space (10,000 km2) 8.21 10.65
Village Settlements (10,000 km2) 16.53 16

Construction intensity is the ratio of a unit’s built-up area to its overall surface area. Built-up area includes urban area, mining and manufacture area, village residential area, transportation area, water infrastructure area, etc.

index of maps
No.1 China's geography
No.2 Available land per person (legends: )
No.3 Available water per person
No.4 Ecological fragility (legends: orange-extreme fragile;
No.5 Natural hazards possibility (legends: orange-high;...grey-low)
No.6 Current land development level
No.7 Distribution of land development
No.8 Strategic planning for Urbanisation (legend: main urbanisation area)
No.9 Strategic planning for Ari-production (legend: main agricultural area)
No.10 Strategic planning for Ecological Security
No.11 Key national ecological function area
No.12 Development Forbidden Area
No.13 Water Resource Utilisation Rate
No.14 Long term Average Annual Rain Fall (unite: mm)
No.15 Distribution of SO2 emission
No.16 Distribution of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) emission
No.17 Relevance in term of Overall Ecological Security (legend: green-high)
No.18 Population Concentration (legend: red-high)
No.19 GDP Density (unite: 1,0000 RMB per square kilometre)
No.20 Available Transportation Capacity (Legend: deep blue-high)

Posted by fiona liu / 13.6 years ago / 6253 hits
